We are writing about static website hosting since last one decade. In 2010, there was no Jekyll, no OctoPress, No serverless computing. Today, there are lot of providers who officially support hosting a static website on cloud storage but not all of them have Function as a Service or a serverless service. The reason of seeking “official support” is to resolve the naked domain to the container.
GitHub still works great completely free of cost. Their paid tier make it possible to host the repository private. However, GitHub is not a web hosting service – they can ban if your website is receiving too many page views per day and not related to open-source coding. You can safely use GitHub for testing purposes. There is no service which is like GitHub.
Digital Ocean Spaces is a paid service to host static websites. They have complete documentation and official support to use different software for the purpose such as OctoPress, Jekyll. Digital Ocean has Kubernetes to offer for microservices. Digital Ocean does not have ready to use the function as a service in the form we are used. Digital Ocean is costly but too easy.
IBM Cloud Storage is powerful to do any work. Documents of IBM Cloud can be difficult to find but they have all possible documents, for example here they talked about pointing naked domain name. You can use ANAME to resolve their issue of no direct support of naked domain. IBM Cloud Storage is cheap with OpenWhisk service for FaaS. IBM Cloud is suitable for the developers who will not bother to spend time to learn and save money.
Next two options are Google Cloud and Amazon Cloud. Both Google Cloud and Amazon Cloud supports hosting a static website on their cloud storage, have plenty of documentation and also provide some kind of Function as a Service. Amazon is more popular and hence you’ll get a lot of website templates on GitHub which are enough to use the function as a service for practical needs.
Rackspace supports a static website hosting on cloud storage but their cost is 3-4 times than Digital Ocean.
Most of the developers seek cheap yet advanced platform. GitHub and IBM Cloud are designed for the developers and they are great if your need and skill match their goal. GitHub is not a web hosting service but it is easy to use. We are excluding Digital Ocean for flat pricing. Within $10 per month expenditure, you’ll get low end boxes like VPSDime with huge RAM. If you feel difficulty with IBM Cloud or Amazon (they are cheap) then you should use those cheap servers. You can choose between Amazon and IBM Cloud.
Tagged With static website on ibm cloud storage