We can create an ESP32 Web Server, connect & control LED from watch browser. Although it sounds too complicated work, it is easy. If we can connect an ESP32 Arduino with a Samsung Smart Watch and control it, then we can add various DIY peripherals with sensors such as DHT11/22. Obviously we can make it more complex by adding IoT services such as from IBM Watson IoT, like we can extend the AC Powered Appliances With ESP32 and control from watch.
Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE is like a low end smartphone. It is low-end as the disk space is lower and can not be extended. By developing various applications for Samsung Galaxy Watch and designing DIY hardware, we can make our lives to the next level. When we set the ESP32 as an access point (hotspot), then we can connect the ESP32 using any device with Wi-Fi capabilities bypassing router, computer, smartphone etc. In simple words, you need not carry the smartphones to connect ESP32 (with power-supply) with Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE in this way. The ESP32 which creates its WiFi network and acts as a hotspot is called Access Point (AP).
I have copy-pasted the normal code for Arduino from lastminuteengineers for this purpose :
In your Samsung Galaxy Watch, you should install some browser application and make it can open any webpage. Make sure that the IP in the code :
1 2 3 4 5 6 | … /* Put IP Address details */ IPAddress local_ip(192,168,1,1); IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); … |
… does not conflict with Watch’s IP. You already got a fair idea about IP, subnet of watch from our guide how to connect Galaxy Watch with Tizen Studio.
This ends this guide! The thing is easy to do exactly like doing from a smartphone. The difference is that we are not yet used with the smartwatches to use for these kinds of works. Tizen has documentation around the WiFi for creating an application :
1 2 3 | # https://developer.tizen.org/development/guides/.net-application/connectivity-and-wireless/wi-fi # |