To use the files included in this guide, one should learn how to connect Samsung Galaxy Watch with Galaxy Watch Designer. As prerequisites, we need a laptop (or any computer) which has Wi-Fi, JDK 8 installed and configured, Google Chrome browser, Tizen Studio & Galaxy Watch Designer installed. The Tizen Studio IDE total installation will be of around 5 GB. For using these files, only the Galaxy Watch Designer is enough.
I have uploaded the PSD file on my deviantArt account. Alternatively, one can download from our server by clicking this link.
We already have a guide on how to create Watch Face using Galaxy Watch Designer. As we have said, Galaxy Watch Designer have these files at these locations :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | # # watch face area aka background C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res\background\circle # # hands C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res\Watch Hand\circle # # index (scoring of time) C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res\Index\circle # # other components C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res\Complications\circle # # mask for background C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res # # various other resources for the dial C:\Program Files\Galaxy Watch Designer\res\Complications\circle |
It should be clear that our supplied PSD is created from Samsung’s supplied files – we have not created them. So the copyright technically will inherit from Samsung. Our copyright is limited to the creation of the PSD file.
Now, about the required designing tools. Adobe Photoshop itself a great tool for various graphical works but it is not purely a tool for vector graphics. Inkscape is a great free software for vector designing. Adobe Illustrator is also a great tool. Inkscape has a great and easy way to create the tachometer like “scoring” on the dials. Vector tools will not create the pixelated appearance of the edges. Many of the great looking watch faces are modelled on AutoCAD and later the finishing works done on Adobe Photoshop.
In our supplied PSD file, the group named “Gold demo remove” is only for demonstration – it has no other use. You should hide or delete that group. The group named “hands” have various hand designs (for hours, minutes and seconds). The group named “Index scoring” have various watch face scoring (for hours, minutes and seconds). The background and foreground are for basic graphical works such as masking, getting the idea of the watch face canvas.
You should create double or triple-sized graphical parts and scale down to fit in the template PSD. The goal of the template is to act as a framework to easily get started.
Tagged With galaxy watch studio templates , galaxy watch designer photoshop template , galaxy watch designer template , galaxy watch photoshop , galaxy watch tag template , photoshop galaxy watch preset , samsung galaxy watch template , template galaxy wtach