Virtualization is the technology behind Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing itself has different service models. We work on with self-hosted server with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model of cloud computing. IaaS is used as a replacement of traditional virtual private servers, dedicated servers, shared servers for easiness, more control and lesser cost. Even at the end of 2019, the cost of a dedicated server is not less. IaaS model of service delivery gave us the chance to work, learn and develop more free and open-source software.
Cloud Computing, IoT, Electronics, Big Data are too closer now
Many of the proprietary and open-source software-based services are delivered in Software as a Service (SaaS) model. We can develop a comparable MQTT IoT platform on cloud servers (read IaaS) like that of the cloud IoT platforms but that will consume a significant time and involve more cost at least for testing and development. It is really easy and fast to follow guides like Control Multiple AC Appliances With One ESP32 Arduino and test the thing within few hours timeline. If we had to install packages on the cloud servers (read IaaS), that would consume significant time. Testing things today cost nothing as most of the IoT cloud platforms offer a free tier of usage. In between SaaS and IaaS models of cloud computing, there is PaaS model which is heavily used by the IoT cloud platform vendors such as IBM, Google, Microsoft. The template-based semi-automated way to spin “instances” of PaaS makes them using less number of skilled manpower.
The latest addition in cloud computing family is serverless computing. Again, we can install software like Apache OpenWhisk on own cloud server instance to get own serverless platform. But, installing Apache OpenWhisk on own cloud server for testing, development kills our time and energy. It is far easy to use IBM Cloud Functions than running own instance of Apache OpenWhisk.
Today’s world is moving towards edge computing. ESP32 is a quite powerful microcontroller based development board which costs just $8. Raspberry Pi Zero is a single board computer which costs less than $20. China’s cheaper production made many components cheap enough to develop, test, build by anyone.
Rest is big data and different types of learning. Again, big data analysis is available as SaaS service, which makes easy to create the graph, take automated decisions, do prediction from the collected data from the IoT devices. The major AI software like IBM Watson is proprietary. That factor does force us to use the internet.
Free Software, Open Source and Cloud Computing changed the world
Factually peoples are coding more now than they used to code in the 1990s. SourceForge, GitHub developed in front of our eyes and expanded the world of coding and development. There are too many good blogs, many communities like Hackster, question-answer sites like StackExchange to help each other. In this background – peoples passively making money from their hobbies using Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, sponsored articles.
Tagged With Closing relationship CLOUD COmputing , how is the cloud related to iot , relation between cloud and iot , relationship between cloud computing and iot