Not all have a smart TV which supports Miracast. We are living in a golden era of technology where highly innovative gadgets have overwhelmed the world. These gadgets have made our lives much simpler and amazing. One of such amazing gadgets whose demand is seen reaching the heights is a TV Fix Caster. You must have heard the name before, right? So as the title implies, this device fixes your … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2020
ESP32 MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter Code
In the previous guide of MAX30102, we have shown a test code with the MAX30102 module build/sold by Maker Focus mounted on a MH-ET LIVE breakout board. Our two challenges are - ESP32 is not exactly same as Arduino UNO and the good looking MH-ET LIVE breakout board is not same as the MAX30102 module sold by Sparkfun. As we commonly use the MAX30102 sensor library by Sparkfun, we need to guess which … [Read more...]
Prototyping in Software Development
Today, software needs to be developed quickly and set to production. Prototyping can help to improve efficiency in the development process. However, it is important to think carefully about which prototyping method fits your project. Software development is a very dynamic discipline in which requirements change quickly. Often, the client page develops several requirements or user stories, although … [Read more...]
Compatibility issues with Flash, is HTML5 the solution?
Flash has long been seen as a necessary evil for online game developers. From the beginnings of online gaming portals, Flash has long been used to create games. However, it has a lot of negatives that come along with the ease of use. It's seen as a not very secure development environment, it's often extremely slow for more complex games and in terms of compatibility, there are wildly different … [Read more...]
What is a serverless database?
Few serverless database services have emerged in the last few years. These systems are different than traditional RDBMS and traditional database as a service model from the point of billing. First, they eliminate the need for provision on a database on a server, second, their billing is usage dependent. The traditional database as a service model has fixed pricing. As their billing system is not … [Read more...]
What Can You Buy With Bitcoin in 2020?
After reading our article Use of Bitcoins in Online Trading, if you are looking for ways to spend your Bitcoin in 2020, then you might want to pay close attention. We will be taking a look at some ideas on how you can spend it shortly. Bitcoin and even some cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of popularity over the years. With the exchange rate of Bitcoin going up almost constantly, there is no … [Read more...]
Pulse Oximeter with ESP32 and MAX30102
The MAX30100 IC is an integrated pulse oximetry module two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analogue signal processing designed for the wearable devices and medical devices. The MAX30102 IC is an upgrade to The MAX30100 and The MAX30101 IC. Here is the datasheet of MAX30102 (website of MAXIM). The PDF will give you the outlook of the working principle of the thing. … [Read more...]
How Does Blockchain Impact the Gambling Industry
Enhanced technological innovations are transforming the gambling landscape. Social media games are blurring boundaries between gambling and gaming. Accounting is the cornerstone of the gambling industry. While widespread adoption of data science and machine learning in gambling industry yet thought to be used as a methodology to keep the players engaged in playing, the researches and thoughts … [Read more...]
Fix HTTP/2 NOT Working on Apache 2.4 Running WordPress
If you have followed older guides to configure the server to install WordPress, then you have followed the guides to install Mod PHP with MPM prefork. presently, the usual mod_php and prefork MPM module of Apache2 does not work with HTTP/2 module. The default prefork MPM is not fully compatible with HTTP/2. If you are running Apache alongside the mod_php module, you need to switch to PHP-FPM. You … [Read more...]
Install/Renew SSL Cert on Apache (2020 Cipher Suites)
Those who are following us since many years know that we publish the updated server guides enough for a newbie to build and run a professional-grade quality. Renew and getting a new (paid) SSL certificate has little difference except - you may use the old CSR, Private Key and the intermediate certificate. Reusing the old CSR, Private Key and the intermediate certificate will not extremely weaken … [Read more...]
The Blockchain Industry is Lagging in App Development
The number of blockchain use cases is constantly increasing. But still, killer applications are missing. It does mean that the developers have a chance to offer new applications. The proportion of those who already use the blockchain technology is currently only six per cent. The number of industrial users had already been at exactly this level in 2018 and 2019. Despite all operational … [Read more...]