Here is How to Develop Web Applications with ESP32 and IBM Watson IoT. Often, using an HTML page with JavaScript is practical than developing an Android App. Because, web applications can be hosted on own cloud server or cloud storage service – thus it becomes device independent. Securing access to such web application usually, need minimal configuration for the Apache2 server. Cloud storages provide various ways to control access. Developing dedicated mobile applications arises when the solution is commercial. Otherwise, at least for IBM Watson IoT, there are Android apps to send commands to IBM Watson IoT, and also there are Android apps to receive push notifications. Developing an Android App at least sucks time which distracts a maker. Today, web interface commonly used by various commercial hardware including Modems, Routers to decrease the burden of cross-platform application development. Also, it is easy to add server-side functions or Serverless functions on a web app than a mobile application.
Our present topic is to show the way to really develop a WEB application for ESP32, ESP8266 connected with IBM Watson IoT. We found a good GitHub repository for this purpose as a template :
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The example is with ESP8266, which can be easily converted for ESP32. Here is the Arduino/ESP code :
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Here is the HTML :
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And here is the JavaScript :
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You can study our examples codes for ESP32 connected with IBM Watson IoT to develop the idea how to modify code for ESP8266 to ESP32.
There are a lot of examples on the web with mqttws31.js
and detailed tutorial to learn works :
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That ends the article.