This article is mostly for providing the idea of how in the last 10 years we are progressing to host small websites on free to cheaper cloud storage. Many readers are
Most of the peoples with some work over the internet are used with Jekyll and OctoPress. They are static site generator and also management tool. So far, we could host our static websites on various platforms including Object Storage like
Rackspace Cloud Files, IBM Cloud Storage to free options such as DropBox (DropBox free account no more allows website hosting). We had vested huge interest around hosting site on Object Storage and for that purpose, we dug a lot on the domain name handling part, we have guides on handling naked domain with DNS services. In this process a thing name “ANAME” was discovered – ANAME Record.
All of these helped us to avoid having a full server. GitHub pages gained own niche out of these developments. We went up to hosting Cloud Music Player of own on cloud-based Object Storage. Up to this point, we could use plain HTML, CSS and JS. But we were sucked at certain dynamic actions, like sending an email, comment, review ratings etc. Here is how to get started designing own static website with Jekyll, Object Storage and OpenWhisk Serverless.
GitHub gives us version control for our content. One of the reasons to move to static website generations is
a database. Using WordPress like CMS has specific need which a small website or too large website, not exactly the candidates. We can test drive our Serverless journey with the below resources :
- Jekyll
- OpenWhisk – IBM Cloud hosted or self hosted
- Object Storage – a low-cost unstructured cloud data store built on OpenStack Swift to host our files
- If you are using services from IBM (Object Storage and OpenWhisk), you can use Cloud Foundry static buildpack to expose the things under a custom domain name
- Staticman – to get GitHub connected comment, review forms
The below resources will help you add serverless function to your
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Right at this moment, we do not have own template to distribute. But this article essentially a step before distributing our things.
Tagged With staticman serverless