We already demonstrated how to send message to IBM Watson IoT platform using ESP32 Arduino with just a button press. We have several non-IoT guides on pushbutton with Arduino including simple basic Arduino Blink LED With Pushbutton. Learning various logics with pushbutton will hugely help the beginners as pushbutton from the binary way of thought is a basic sensor to convey 0 or 1. Working with the sensors factually need minor modification from pushbutton projects. Those who are unused with IBM Watson IoT can read our getting started guide. Watson IoT is free tier is enough for this kind of projects. You will need to disable TLS/SSL security from IBM Watson IoT dashboard. Snippets for IBM Watson IoT is easy to convert to generic MQTT IoT projects. Many of the software parts IBM uses is Open Source.
It is better to go through our ESP32 Deep Sleep Guide and test the basic examples. To repeat the same basic theory: power saving is an important factor for the IoT applications and by saving power we can make one IoT project running with two AA batteries over a year. Deep Sleep turns off CPUs and most of the RAM and peripherals which are clocked from APB_CLK
. The RTC controller, RTC peripherals and RTC memories are parts of the chip which can keep powered on. So, we must remember that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are powered off. However, the chip will store Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection data in the RTC memory (RTC_DATA_ATTR
attribute). If we want to store it into the RTC memory then we will define a global variable like RTC_DATA_ATTR intboot count = 0;
This time, our code is an example of initiating Deep Sleep and waking up using a single push button. We talked about ESP32 wake-up external wake-up. We have two types of triggers – ext0
when we want to wake-up the chip by one particular pin only and ext1
–when we have several pins for the wake-up. Our example is with ext0
We already have a dedicated repository for IBM Watson IoT for ESP32. This article’s code is also inside that repository.
There is no complex connection, circuit diagram for this project. Only adding a pushbutton to Pin 33 will work for this guide :
Next part is the code. We must inform you that our this coding is not fully “scientific”! We made the coding part easier yet fool proof by some cheating on our older code.
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We have tested the above thing and it is working except the LED blink part (it is not fixed yet). Basically within void setup() {
, we are calling the other functions. From coding point of view, the way we achieved is dirty. We did it for faster achieving the result using our old code to send message to IBM Watson IoT. Deep Sleep is stopping the void loop()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | ... void setup() { … initWifi(); authHeader = "Authorization: Basic " + base64::encode("use-token-auth:" TOKEN) + "\r\n"; doWiFiClientSecure(); loop(); } ... |
It does the job but the logical steps are better to be construct in clean way. If you are student, you should re-write it in clean manner for your engineering project.
Tagged With push button led in esp32 , deep sleep , esp32 push button to sleep , Schéma simple switch bouton esp32