Fritzing is an underappreciated Free Software with own standard. Few parts are sometime missing or you simply need to create your own part or board. Fritzing breadboard view can be made far superior looking than the default look provides. Commonly peoples open some file in Fritzing, or “draw” the circuit and simply forget about it. Tinkercad looks great because the parts are nicely designed. Fritzing not exactly so ugly with well designed parts. Tinkercad is good for simulation. F/OSS EDA, simulation software is different topic. To make you & your child happy, here are few F/OSS EDA :
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The jumpers and many wires can be made bent in Fritzing. The trick is holding down the CTRL key and dragging the mouse. Not all the parts are available on Fritzing by default.
If you web search for a missing Fritzing part, probably you will get it. Many of the users do create custom parts for own need. Some of the brands like Adafruit, SparkFun has good Github repo of own parts apart from Fritzing :
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Last option is designing, may be just editing some of the parts. Fritizing supports import of SVG images and Illustrator, Inkscape, or any vector graphics editor supports opening of Fritzing parts. Fritzing has a Parts Editor. You will need to make all three of breadboard, schematic, and PCB views. When designing your breadboard view make sure the design is to scale of the physical board. Creation of new part is easier than alteration. So it is better to use the graphical parts of others.
Fritzing has graphical standard and resources :
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Here is one hands-on guide of getting original looking thing on Fritzing :
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Of course, Adafruit and SparkFun has two different types of guides :
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We informed how it is possible to design own things for Fritzing.
Tagged With power supply in fritzing , fritzing parts , FRITZING part editor , fritzing breadboard add custom part , Fritzing , drawing own parts in fritzing , download fritzing parts , design your own part fritzing , create fritzing part , vector graphics editor fritizing