Here is How to Send an HTTP POST Request to IBM Watson IoT on Button Press from Arduino ESP32. The basic is dependent on our earlier two separate examples, first is the set of working examples of codes for IBM Watson IoT and second is the example of using a button press to make a LED turn on for a pre-defined time. Earlier, we had another example of using Blynk to send a basic push message on a button press. That Bylnk’s example was for satisfying peoples who want a quick fix in an easy way. That way is not methodical, it abstracts the software and hardware too much, also not reliable.
There is nothing new to say about how to setup ESP32 to use with Arduino IDE.
If you want the code, that is readily available on our GitHub repo. We want to say something on HTTP POST of IBM Watson IoT.
To securely send an event called myEvent
to the platform with organisation id ‘xfd8ls’, device id HTTPDevice
and device type HTTPdeviceType
we issue this POST request:
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From the above example, you have to keep polling the server to see if there was a message waiting. That is fine for some purposes. We can set the body of the message to:
1 | {"waitTimeSecs": 10} |
The number represents a number of seconds. This way you can effectively set your code to wait
for a command to arrive. This official guide talking about the thing we are doing but in complex way with Raspberry Pi :
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And here is more detailed documentation :
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For our this code, you will get the raw data from the Recent Events tab on IBM Watson IoT Platform and also, the
Logs there will show authentication, connection and disconnection. These facts proves that remote server “understood” your button press. Also on Arduino IDE’s serial console, you will get meaningful output. This is a meaningful illustration :
Here are more useful docs :
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And here is the full code :
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