IBM Cloud’s IoT platform for this kind of usage is free. This gives the capabillity of sending data from anywhere like from a car at zero cost. Here is How to Connect Arduino to IBM Cloud (IoT Platform). We are taking it granted that the reader will use Arduino UNO (not Yun, steps will be slightly different). For this project you need to get used with using ESP8266 with Arduino UNO. ESP8266 is a cheap option for Wi-Fi and has some difficulties, issues etc. Node MCU slightly different topic than talking around just Arduino UNO (NodeMCU will not suffer from packet loss). We can send collected data to IBM Cloud in 2 ways, with HTTP and MQTT. HTTP integration is easier. MQTT is good for use in embedded devices because it is asynchronous, usable where Internet connections are unreliable, less need of much software to implement a client with limited memory. There are many guides on this topic :
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You need to login to IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix), Find IoT from Catalogue of services and create a service (use boilerplate). Regardless of method (HTTP or MQTT), you will need to signup from this sub-domain of IBM Cloud :
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Generate API key, get the authentication token, create a device of device type with that authentication token generated. If you want to go with MQTT, then Arduino MQTT client has dedicated GitHub project :
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In case you want to use MQTT, you need to install mosquitto
(install as service for MS Windows) to locally test:
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For that kind of setup, you will need this kind of code for using with DHT 11 sensor (you must adjust code for newer DHT part, see this example) :
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Alternative Test Code to Connect Arduino to IBM Cloud
Alternative code is shared on IBM Developers network :
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You’ll see output on serial monitor. On your allocated subdomain from
, you can open the window to check device data, logs. You can create graph too.