If there is one factor that affects how good videos look more than any other, it is lighting. Good light can make your video look really impressive and professional, whereas poor lighting can make it look like a low quality amateur production. In this article, apart from some known methods to improve lighting in videography, such us : using a lens with wide aperture (low f value), having … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2019
Send Basic Push Message from Arduino ESP32 using Blynk
How to Send Basic Push Message from Arduino ESP32? For basic (not really of professional quality) project, Blynk like web service & library can be used. For such project, one have to configure Arduino IDE for ESP32 like the way we described. Using IBM Watson IoT will be complex (and professional) for the project and reserved for those who have learned the basic works with git, PaaS, Android App … [Read more...]
How to Easily Develop Android Apps for IoT Projects (ESP32 Arduino)
How to Easily Develop Android Apps for IoT Projects Built with ESP32 Arduino? One Can Use Blynk to Build Apps With Graphs, Emails, Control Buttons. Blynk has Arduino Library. Blynk also available as Open Source server software to install on own server. Blynk really adds the capabillity to add graphing, or sending email to your Android mobile with practically no coding skill. What is the catch? … [Read more...]
What is Mongoose OS? How it Works With Different IoT Cloud?
What is Mongoose OS? Mongoose OS is not an OS per-se but a user space. It is a Firmware Development Framework for the IOT. It supports microcontrollers such as ESP32, ESP8266 to provide a browser based local computer environment for prototyping, development and managing IoT devices. Mongoose OS is developed by Cesanta Software Ltd and has an open source version with Apache License. Mongoose OS is … [Read more...]
Wearables and Internet of Things : Part III
This series is complimentory to our practical guides with ESP32 & IoT. One can quickly check our 2nd part of Wearables and Internet of Things. In this part on Wearables and Internet of Things, we have limited the usage of Wearables in the Internet of Things to two out of five use cases - Health, Trade, Production & logistics, Field service and Lifestyle. Using the example of the Fitbit … [Read more...]
Why MySQL Auto Restart Failing in WordPress Cloud Server
Why MySQL Auto Restart Failing in WordPress Cloud Server Despite Your Efforts of Trying Various Optimization and Scripts to Auto-Restart? We already talked around fixing Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress, Autostart MySQL After a Crash, other MySQL fixes for Ubuntu and latest fixes for Ubuntu 18.04. Various updates on the part of different software partially force us to discover … [Read more...]
General Purpose Guide to Use ESP32 as Arduino
WROOM ESP32 dev doard is a powerful Arduino compatible board with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather boards are not hugely different from core hardware point except the automatic bootloader reset and Lithium Ion/Polymer charger and Pin outs will not match. This is a general purpose guide for pin identification, required changes in Blink like examples of official Arduino. In earlier … [Read more...]
Different IoT Cloud Platforms For The Makers and Developers
IoT integrates the knowledge of electronics with sysadmin works. Day by day, the cost of bandwidth decreasing. Most of us with postpaid plans from ISPs have unused bandwidth left in hand. We will discuss different IoT cloud platforms for the makers and developers which can be used to test things made with Arduino, NodeMCU, Raspberry Pi. Although things made in China readily available, DIY things … [Read more...]
WROOM ESP32 Example Codes For IBM Watson IoT Platform
Here are few WROOM ESP32 example codes for IBM Watson IoT Platform so that anyone can get started with both of them the need of having huge experience. To follow this guide, one should have followed this guide on WROOM ESP32 dev boards to setup on Windows 10 PC. Next, one should read this kind of guide to open free account on IBM Cloud and create a new device ready to get connected with WROOM … [Read more...]
Getting Started With IBM Cloud IoT (Watson IoT Platform)
IBM Cloud IoT is free for ordinary usage. Here is a How To Getting Started With IBM Cloud IoT. We want to provide the basic idea of what Watson IoT Platform does and what to expect from it. On November 2018, IBM rolled out this newer version of "Watson IoT Platform" with much more features. Commonly we need these cloud-based IoT platforms for Arduino based devices (like, ESP32 we discussed this … [Read more...]
ESP WROOM 32 : How To Setup ESP32 NodeMCU With Arduino IDE
Here is Step by Step Guide to Setup on How to Setup ESP32 NodeMCU with Arduino IDE on Windows 10 PC. In our previous article, we recomanded ESP WROOM 32 dev board over Adafruit Feather as cost effective option. In this guide, we will help to setup ESP WROOM 32 dev board with Arduino IDE. We are using clone of DOIT ESP-WROOM-32 Devkit V1 and for the most boards, these are "ESP32 Dev Module" to … [Read more...]