Of course 74HC595 can do more than just controlling dumb LEDs but LEDs is what commonly used to give example of how 74HC595 works and LEDs are used in decoration. Arduino shift register 74HC595 library makes prototyping with LED easy & fast. Furthermore, the user can add more features or examples to the library or it's fork to make it more useful to the new Arduino users. For this guide, the … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2018
Machine Learning and Optimization : Relationship
These questions usually asked by the interested group to machine learning. Machine Learning is a numerical optimisation. Mathematical Optimisation includes analytic techniques which can be used to an answer the problem. The difference is very slim between machine learning (ML) and optimization theory. Optimization falls the domain of mathematics. Machine learning falls in the domain of … [Read more...]
Arduino 3 LED and One Push Button
Previously we published some Arduino guides which use the millis function. Arduino 2 LED was a basic project, Arduino Flip-Flop Blinking LED With Push Button is somewhat advanced project. Others were One Push Button Multiple Functions supporting Single Press, Double Press, Long-Time Press, Arduino Blink LED Rate Depending On Push Button Press Duration etc. In this guide we will use 3 LEDs and one … [Read more...]
Audiophile Grade Vinyl Player (Turntable) Buying Guide
Vinyl sounds great. On modern high end players they looks great too. Many families across the globe has good collection of records but players has been beyond repair. Here is an audiophile grade vinyl player buying guide. If the title making astonished - vinyl player manufacturing continued and modern vinyl players have Blutooth, USB, WiFi. We are not really getting back the original mechanical … [Read more...]
How To Install Apache Phoenix (SQL on HBase)
We talked about Apache Phoenix in our previous guides and articles such as How To Install Apache HBase and List of Apache Projects For Big Data. Apache Phoenix is a massively parallel, relational database engine supporting OLTP for Hadoop using Apache HBase as store. Phoenix provides a JDBC driver that cleverly hides the noSQL store in front enabling the users to create, delete, and alter SQL … [Read more...]
How to Convert Paper Documents to PDF (Pro Quality for Free)
There Are Multiple Ways to Convert Paper Documents to PDF. Printing services and offices use costly professional machines to do it in easy way. This guide mainly utilizing our commonly available home gadgets to get professional result. Modern smartphones are more convinient than the PCs for closer checking of the document by easy pinch & zoom. Also we commonly use smartphones to share the … [Read more...]
Sony Spresense : $65 Arduino IDE Compatible Development Board
Sony Spresense definitely a good board at $65. This development board from Sony is relatively new and sports expected better A/V hardware. Essentially it is a single board computer for IoT development. In other words it is an luxarious Arduino compatible board with ARM CPU. Of course it can run some kind of Linux on it. The board has integrated GPS, Hi-res audio output and multi mic inputs. The … [Read more...]
What is a Stop in Photography?
What is Stop of Exposure in Photography? For a washed-out looking photo (overexposed), it is convenient to instruct someone to adjust stop by one or couple stop to get the normal feel. Stops are approximate. Exposure has no unit. We can not say how many stop exposure overall as photo received. Stop just describes the relative changes in the amount of light let into the camera. In easy language, … [Read more...]
Shared Responsibility in Cloud Security
When it comes to cloud computing, many companies first think of the benefits of technology. However, security still often falls by the wayside. The reasons are manifold - high complexity, unclear legal responsibilities and missing strategies mean that especially smaller companies see the security responsibility at the provider - a fallacy, which can have serious consequences in the worst case. If … [Read more...]
Guide to Buy Router With 4G SIM Card Slot And RJ45 Ethernet Port
Lot of peoples try to find router with 4G SIM Card slot and RJ45 Ethernet Port. Wireless internet user is a different segment than wired internet users. Depending on country, some of the providers sell such devices, sometime discontinue too. Quite unfortunately, number of such routers is not huge in number and price not exactly lesser. 5G likely to become norm around the year 2022-23. So for the … [Read more...]
How To Configure Fail2ban To Send Daily Email Report
Fail2Ban is a robust tool. By default the system of Fail2Ban sends an email with each ban. There is an action there named mail-buffered. That action expects 5 ban (default) before sending you an email. But a summary report probably more practical. Here are the required steps on how to configure Fail2ban to send daily email report. This system needs to configure mail server on the server under … [Read more...]