The goal of this article is to educate the new and non-IT expert VPN service users about the logging part of VPN both by the VPN service providers and the local computer. To reach that goal, in this article, we will cover the basics around the VPN Logs and explain phrases such as Zero Logging VPN, No Logging VPN. Also, we will give a real-life example of using a Windows client of a paid VPN … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2018
What is Data Literacy And Why Data Literacy Matters
Like the phrase computer literacy is not limited to the limited ability to switch on, switch off a computer to simply use a program like Microsoft Word, the phrase data literacy has no well defined limit. What is Data Literacy? In simplest words, data literacy is the ability to understand and utilize data effectively in the context of data collection, data sharing and analysis. Data literacy is … [Read more...]
Analysis of Jenkins for DevOps : Part IV (END)
In Part III of the Series on Analysis of Jenkins for DevOps, We Have Discussed About Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. Automated deployment, and the more advanced form, continuous deployment or continuous delivery, can be seen as the culmination of the modern CI infrastructure. Remaining part of the series is evaluation, outlook and conclusion. Within Evaluation; we have … [Read more...]
Arduino : One Push Button Multiple Functions (Single Press, Double Press, Long-Time Press)
With Arduino, We Can Have One Push Button Multiple Functions Like Single Press, Double Press, Long-Time Press. There is Nice Library For Faster Prototyping. Our readers already read different types of guides on push button usage, like Blink LED With Pushbutton Control, Blink LED Rate Depending On Push Button Press Duration, Flip-Flop Blinking LED With Push Button etc. Now our readers can … [Read more...]
Install Jupyter Notebook and TensorFlow On Ubuntu 18.04 Server
On our earlier guides, we installed PyTorch and TensorFlow on Ubuntu server. Those guides are important to understand how to install graphics driver and installing in basic way. We have separate guides on installing Jupyter Notebook. Here is How To Install Jupyter Notebook and TensorFlow On Ubuntu 18.04 Server. It is probably easy to install Anaconda for Python packages. We have separate guides to … [Read more...]
Arduino : Turn On Particular Color LED Depending On Light/LDR
We have lot of getting started guide with LDR. How To Turn On LED in Dark With LDR and Arduino is the basic behind all of them. We can perform the same work using transistor - Turn On LED On Dark With Transistor. As the value of LDR will be variable depending on batch, you need to run the basic Turn On LED in Dark guide to note the values on serial monitor in various lighting situations like … [Read more...]
How To Install TensorFlow on Ubuntu 18.04 Server (Nvidia GPU)
Our previous guide was on installing PyTorch. Then, why TensorFlow needed a separate guide? Is not running few commands would install TensorFlow on that setup? There are practical differences when current version of Ubuntu server considered, some way would invite crush of server out of slightly buggy packages. With symlinking somehow works and most human forget what exactly done to someway fix. … [Read more...]
How To Use WordPress Crayon Syntax Highlighter Theme Editor To Match Theme
Probably most of the Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin users know that it has a Theme Editor. Here is How To Use WordPress Crayon Syntax Highlighter Theme Editor To Match WordPress Theme. I believe that very few ever tried it. I had a misconception that how much a WordPress plugin's syntax highlight can have powerful editor. Curiously I opened the link of the editor and it was a surprise. The theme … [Read more...]
Analysis of Jenkins for DevOps : Part III
Jenkins, as a continuous integration tool, allows project teams to focus on their work by automating the build process, artifact management and deployment process. This is so well implemented that the Jenkins are no longer indispensable to DevOps today. In part II of analysis of Jenkins for DevOps, we discussed about integration into the project cycle. This is the part III of the series. In This … [Read more...]
Arduino : How To Connect Relay With 74HC595 Shift Register
The reason of publishing this article is to warn. It is common to join ideas for a new thing. It is more common to ask how to connect relay with 74HC595 shift register in Arduino circuit. It demands good knowledge with basic components to control AC things like multiple AC operated LED bulbs. It is not really joining our Arduino relay guide to blink single AC bulb and Arduino 74HC595 Shift … [Read more...]
Configure Apache With Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 18.04
Our oldest guide on fail2ban on this website is Installing Fail2ban on Ubuntu 14.04. In this context, it is important to read the article on pam_unix(sushi:auth): authentication failure, which is result of a type of attack. Here is How To Configure Apache With Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 18.04 to block more types of malicious attempts towards server to create a practical firewall. If you are pretty new to … [Read more...]