In previously published articles we discussed about oscilloscope and also kit to build oscilloscope. Logic analyzer is another tool which somewhat used for production grade checking of circuits. Ordinary users do not need dedicated oscilloscope, a multimeter should serve most purposes. Here is a Basic Arduino Oscilloscope, Which Will Show Plotting on Serial Plotter of Arduino IDE and Analog Inputs … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2018
Virtualization Requirements for DevOps : Part 2
In Part One of Virtualization Requirements for DevOps, we learned about the basics of how software development cycle goes in real, types of virtualization, reason to think about using virtualization in practice. Here is the Second Part of Virtualization Requirements for DevOps. In this article, will give brief idea about the benefits of virtualization such as efficiency and reducing costs, … [Read more...]
Building DIY Arduino, Pi Watch : Discussion of Options
It is not very difficult for a newbie to build a DIY Arduino wrist watch. Just our Arduino Clock project and altering components with ATtiny 13 or ATtiny 10 does the job. You just need to build a prototype with all components (not modules), design the circuit to test. Rest is ordering PCB fabrication and assembling service - hardly $15 service. If components cost $30, then cost with battery is … [Read more...]
Virtualization Requirements for DevOps : Part 1
This article mainly refers to the technical side of the DevOps idea. However, if one wants to implement them in own company, the employees must be trained accordingly. In addition, DevOps is more likely to target larger projects where a lot of coordination is needed. In order to be able to react quickly and flexibly to new business requirements, development and operations must work together better … [Read more...]
Configure Apache Tika With WordPress to Search, Get Meta of PDF/Doc Files
In our previously published article How to Install Apache Tika on Ubuntu Server, we learned basic about Apache Tika. Apache Tika Can Be Combined With PHP. Apache Tika can detect content, and extracts metadata and text from different file types – it can identify more than 1400 file types. Tika has relation with Apache Nutch codebase. Tika has fork in Python too. Tika has different way of … [Read more...]
How to Install Apache Tika on Ubuntu Server
Apache Tika is a Content Analysis Framework. Tika is like we right click on file and selecting properties option on desktop BUT for web. It also can detect content. Apache Tika detects and extracts metadata and text from different file types - it can identify more than 1400 file types. Tika has relation with Apache Nutch codebase. Tika has fork in Python too. Tika has different way of … [Read more...]
Flexible PCB : DIY Method For Pro Grade Circuits
Adding Flexible PCB to Fabricated PCB Will Give Professional Result. We tested many methods - from ething various copper tapes, thin copper sheets to DuPont's Pyralux flexible circuit material. We will suggest to go with DuPont's Pyralux flexible circuit material or similar product. Here is Detailed Guide on Flexible PCB - DIY Method For Pro Grade Circuits. Of course, we have to follow designing … [Read more...]
How To Install Apache Edgent on Raspberry Pi 3 B+
Apache Edgent is for edge devices to analyze collected data by the device. Apache Edgent is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime which can be embedded in gateways which makes it easy to process sensor streams on edge devices like Raspberry Pi and run local analytics, then send only useful information to server. Apache Edgent's old name is Apache Quarks. The tool is excellent for … [Read more...]
1602A LCD Display I2C Serial Interface (Arduino)
Previously, we shown how to setup 1602A LCD Display with Arduino. The units of 1602A LCD I received, is really of good quality. You noticed in that guide we had use huge number of wires occupying many pins of Arduino. That is not good, specially for when Arduino running with ATtiny - if one display occupies so many pins then many projects becomes difficult to make real. We can use a module/IC for … [Read more...]
How To Install Apache Flink on Ubuntu Server
Apache Flink is a big data processing engine which can run in both streaming & batch mode. data Artisans is the company who is the original creator of Flink. It started as a project called Stratosphere, which was forked, and became Apache Flink. Flink can be deployed on local machine, on cluster (it can run on YARN), or can be deployed in the cloud. Core of Apache Flink is a distributed … [Read more...]
How to Write Arduino Library of Your Own
Normally, we write sketch on Arduino IDE, which essentially uses libraries. Library of Arduino is Set of Instructions to Avoid Repeated Huge Coding. As we discussed in how to learn Arduino programming, C++, C are important languages are important to learn for Arduino and embedded systems. Libraries add an abstraction from reality - which is practical for using things like a temperature humidity … [Read more...]