It is common to find what is Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) in plain English. Hyper-converged Infrastructure is software-centric architecture which is based on the processors, memory, network virtualization and other closely interrelated technologies. Standard hardware with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components can be used as hardware. Often, such hyperconvergent systems are offered and supported by a single manufacturer. Hyperconverged infrastructures is further development of converged infrastructures, which also bundle hardware and software. Conventional monolithic storage systems, such. For example, Storage Area Network (SAN) or Network Attached Storage (NAS), which formed their own silos in the data center, are replaced by software-defined storage systems in hyper-converged infrastructures. The essential components of a data center thus migrate into an appliance and are managed by common virtualization and management tools. The task of the storage software is to connect directly to the system connected hard drives (DAS – Direct Attached Storage) or provide SSD media in the form of a virtual pool for the applications.
What is Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) in Easy Language?
Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) combines computing power (processors and RAM) with mass storage (SSDs and disks) in each single (virtual) machine, but combines the storage of multiple machines with storage software into a unified system. This increases performance and simplifies administration and automation under a single administration interface. Also, better reliability can be achieved. Overall, one dares Hyper convergence solutions now also the operation of mission-critical applications to, for example. For example, business processes, production applications, and big data/analytics. HCl can also be used as a platform for virtual desktops in large companies, as well as web hosting service providers.
More On Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI)
Components for hyperconvergence:
A hyperconverged infrastructure includes at least the following components:
- Integrated virtualization (hypervisor)
- Virtualized storage (software-defined storage)
- Virtualized network (software-defined networking)
- Software for central monitoring and control
- Advanced IT concepts such as connectivity to the cloud or a disaster recovery concept
Possible benefits:
- Cost reductions
- Operational efficiency of IT
- Faster implementation times since everything from one manufacturer
- Very well scalable
- Further consolidation in the data centers
- Reduced I/O blender effect
Open hyperconverged platforms are built like other HCI systems, except that hypervisor and storage software are based on open standards. Systems are pre-installed on standard hardware, or alternative hardware can be used.
For hyperconverged systems, what applies to the majority of new technologies applies: the questions as to whether and in which areas they can be used meaningfully, their advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, scalability and flexibility, have not yet been fully clear. What is certain is that HCIs can contribute significantly to more dynamic and efficient IT landscapes – but they are not the better solution in every single case than classic 3-tier architectures.
So the question in which IT landscapes HCI can be used with the greatest possible benefit can only be sensibly decided against the background of the respective IT and application landscape. Typically, IT users seek answers in analyst and market reports, blog posts, or supplier product brochures. To help CIOs and IT executives with accurate information, presently many companies together with its technology partners and independent analysts, provide decision support.
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