Conventionally we are used with terminologies such as dedicated server, virtual private server, cloud server. But in recent times, some of the bigger web hosts offer another solution – Dedicated Cloud. What is Dedicated Cloud? What is it’s Difference With Private Cloud? These questions are obvious to arise in the mind of many technology enthusiasts, new CTO or relatively new business owners. We will suggest to read our article on software-defined data center, unless the matter is known.
What is Dedicated Cloud?
Once we indicated that VMWare is expanding their software-defined products. That Dedicated Cloud practically one product of VMWare’s infrastructure-as-a-service as a part of software-defined data center. These days, newer servers with latest CPUs support huge amount of RAM and disk storage. Cost of RAM also decreasing. Most commercial web hosts find it practical to have higher RAM. Conventional public cloud, private cloud both has limitations when a corporate user want control like a real datacenter.
VMware earlier had vCloud Hybrid Service (VMware has subscription-based services, they are not software). That vCloud Hybrid Service is now vCloud Air. They are VMware’s Public Cloud solutions. vCloud Air has IaaS, PaaS, RaaS etc as service components. Main vCloud Air has two service options – Dedicated Cloud and Virtual Private Cloud. T
A Dedicated Cloud provides single tenant private cloud service. Within that there are dedicated computing servers, layer-2 network isolation, persistent storage, and also one dedicated cloud management instance. Total thing is virtual data center. So Dedicated Cloud is essentially virtual data center service. This is an example of service by OVH :
vCloud Air’s Virtual Private Cloud has a multi-tenant virtual private cloud architecture. Resources enjoy a shared physical infrastructure. That is configured as one virtual data center. VMware’s vCloud Air’s Dedicated Cloud can have multiple virtual data centers. That makes a big difference with Private Cloud. Dedicated Cloud option is practical for large projects. Each instances support 120 GB of virtual RAM, 30 GHz virtual CPU and up to 1 Gbps networking.
Tagged With how to turn public cloud into dedicated cloud