Clap switch is popular since our childhood in the days of '90s when basic electronic components were not so easily available and cost was not really towards cheap. Here is how to develop clap switch using Arduino Uno and microphone with circuit diagram, list of components and code. It is a basic project and also our second project with microphone. The previous project with microphone was a sound … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2017
Install Open Source Status Page Cachet on Ubuntu 16.04
There is lot of buzz with Cachet. I wasted hours to install Cachet on new subdomain, install LAMP, configured HSTS, changed CAA Record and now I can give you warranty that it does not worth the effort to use this script in case you have psychological problem of getting perfect things. It is worser than a good WordPress plugin like WP Statistics at backend. However, as I installed, here is how to … [Read more...]
Cheap China Game Consoles : Poor Man’s PSP, XBOX
China is famous (or infamous) to build hardware clones which usually provide 1-2 decade old technology at an affordable price. Like we have said at the end of our article on latest gaming consoles - unless an ordinary person is playing gambling, casino it is not really practical to buy all possible latest original add-on hardware for Sony PSP to enjoy virtual reality. Here is an overview of the … [Read more...]
How to Install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 16.04
Many users want a free cPanel like web hosting control panel. Virtualmin is a Free Software. This is not exactly the software we will suggest to install for single IP cloud server instance just to ease server management with web UI. This is more practical for a dedicated server with multiple IP. Here is how to install Virtualmin/Webmin on Ubuntu 16.04. Difference between Virtualmin and Webmin is … [Read more...]
List of Command Line Music Players For Mac, Linux
Tools which uses text based user interface (TUI) is our one favourite topic. Many music lover want lightweight yet music players with visualizer & settings. Here is a List of Command Line Music Players For Mac, Linux. For developmental purpose, who are new readers of this website - previously we talked about TUI on SSH, how to develop TUI applications and also discussed about few command line … [Read more...]
Can Cloud Check Ransomware Attacks?
The first two decades of the 21st century have witnessed cloud computing rapidly gaining a foothold. It has been the buzzword among the tech savvy, though not without reason. Of late, there is another term from the same industry that is hitting headlines — ransomware, like we previously we discussed about WannaCrypt ransomware. Though, cloud computing is intended to make one's life easy and IT … [Read more...]
Cloud Computing Trends From Today To 2020
According to news from Gartner, many companies will lose their market positions for digital incompetence over the next few years. It is the prediction of the future of technological solutions to represent one of the key points for business success. Cloud Computing will penetrate more business over the next five years. Here are the strengths which will push the cloud from today to 2020. The face of … [Read more...]
How To Use DIP Switch On Breadboard
In a previous guide we talked about ordinary switches which we use in electronics and household work. DIP switch is not what we normally see among the consumer grade products but it is cheap and very useful tool. Here is an illustrated guide on how to use DIP switch on breadboard for the newbies with explanation of types of DIP switch & easy examples. Before using anything new, we need to know … [Read more...]
Advantages & Disadvantages of Using IBM Big Data Analytics On Cloud
Discussing around the advantages & disadvantages would be just a list. In order to discuss and study advantages & disadvantages of using IBM Big data analytics on cloud in details, we need to try to understand the strategy of a company providing the service, have an overview of the major commonly used products, analyze the documentations and free resources offered. The term Big Data, which is … [Read more...]
Arduino Sound Meter With LED : Easy But Better
Some wrongly refer these as VU meters. VU Meter is too much but these are entertaining. Volume Unit meter (VU meter) device display representation of the signal level in audio equipment, which has some of standards. We are just building a "sound meter". You need some LEDs, couple of resistors, ceramic capacitor to build this Arduino Sound Meter. Frankly there are more easy guides with almost … [Read more...]
WordPress Genesis Homepage : Semi-Static, Customizable
Most of us need widgets below navigation on the homepage, followed by regular blog posts. That thing is semi-static. We need semi-static homepage which is customizable, SEO Friendly has manual control with automatic functions. Here is PHP snippets, HTML, CSS to create WordPress Genesis Homepage. What I saw for HTML old version to HTML5 upgrade, if we use manual codes more than PHP snippets, it is … [Read more...]