Many Users Want a cPanel Like Open Source Web Control Panel. For security reasons, we DO NOT advice to install webmin, PHPMyadmin on unmanaged servers. Here is How To Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Cloud Server For Tose Still Want a Web Hosting Control Panel. In our previous guides on Ubuntu 18.04, we installed Percona MySQL, then Apache2 with HTTP/2 and Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate, then we installed PHP 7.2. Following those three guides will make your server ready as LAMP server to run WordPress like PHP-MySQL web application. Kindly give some time reading how to harden firewall with IPtables with few commands and install Fail2Ban. They will protect your server from most common attacks.
This guide is not for dedicated server. For dedicated servers, we have different set of IP for security.
How To Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Cloud Server
Webmin is a web control panel to manage server through a web-based interface. With Webmin, users can change settings for common packages as well as users, groups, and software packages without SSH. That is good but also greatly easy way for the hackers.
To install webmin, first we need to add Webmin’s external repository and verification key signature. Run :
1 2 3 4 | sudo add-apt-repository "deb sarge contrib" wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add apt update apt upgrade |
Then install webmin :
1 | apt install webmin |
If you not added any user via SSH, then root
with it’s password is the user of webmin. Your web panel will be at https://your_server_ip_address:10000
. The configuration file which is main in your virtual host directory :
1 | /etc/apache2/sites-available/ |
…need these to be added :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | ... <VirtualHost *:80> ... ProxyPass / http://localhost:10000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:10000/ </VirtualHost> ... |
Open /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
1 | nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf |
Make sure ssl is 1 in that file :
1 | ssl=1 |
Open webmin config file :
1 | nano /etc/webmin/config |
Find referers
line and add your domain name. Restart webmin :
1 | systemctl restart webmin |
We need to activate Apache proxy module :
1 | sudo a2enmod proxy_http |
Then restart Apache :
1 | service apache2 restart |