Many a times use Multi-Cloud in primitive form without knowledge. In our previously published articles, we discussed about cloud computing service models, hybrid cloud, multi cloud etc. What is the Real Difference Between Hybrid Cloud and Multi Cloud in Plain English? Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud both has challenges and follows a model of service continuity. They are more towards business models than technologies.
Difference Between Hybrid Cloud and Multi Cloud
Hybrid cloud is a terminology used to describe a model where parts of a task are carried out in on premise and public cloud. Like they may be using DbaaS from on premise cloud while hosting the UI or Virtual Machines on public cloud. There are many companies which are using this model. Hybrid Cloud practically refers to the strategy of using any two types of Cloud or hosting infrastructure in a single organization. The structure gives power and scalability while maintaining security. The beauty of hybrid is that there are many combinations to choose from.
Multi cloud is a model used by companies to avoid vendor lock in, cost optimization, data sovereignty, minimizing downtime through active-passive solution on different vendors and to leverage their expertise in different workloads/services. In this model a company uses different public cloud vendors for different projects, not being dependent on a single vendor.
The major difference between hybrid cloud and multi-cloud is that hybrid is a deployment strategy used to accomplish a single task. A multi-cloud strategy, on the other hand, is a cloud management strategy that uses several providers to accomplish more than one task, perhaps within the same department or as a collaboration between different departments. A multi-cloud strategy might include hybrid cloud as a component. Circumstance or strategic planning has companies to accept this practice with a prime challenge that is faced in the field of security, cost rationalization and compliance of various options. There are lots of complex environments that have greater risks which are not avoidable and the start of a new year is an ideal opportunity for a thorough evaluation.
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