There are definite planing differences between monitoring dedicated server and cloud server. One of them is that - components and sensors are not physical. Another point is that 6GB RAM OpenVZ server instance costs $7/month, whereas a 32 GB RAM dedicated server costs not exactly lesser with good networking. So, slight more RAM consumption is not very bad in case of a cloud server. Glances is a … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2017
Making a Digital Clock : Arduino 7 Segment 4 Digit TM1637
Previously, we talked about 7 Segment 4 Digit TM1637 Display. In This Guide We Will Be Making a Digital Clock With Arduino 7 Segment 4 Digit TM1637 Display Unit. It is important to read the linked guide. We are including circuit diagram and code for completing the project. Total cost will be of Arduino, 7 Segment 4 Digit TM1637 display (around $3), one DS3231 Real Time Clock Module ($1.5) and … [Read more...]
Arduino 7 Segment LED Display Tutorial (TM1637 4 Digit)
Many years ago, we talked about Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) and history of calculator. In this detailed Arduino 7 segment LED display tutorial with example codes, circuit diagram we will exactly program the same thing. It is very important and basic electronics guide. The 7 segment LED display we are talking about has 4 digits - E.E.E.E. It uses TM1637. TM means Titan Micro. 1637 is the … [Read more...]
Fix E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
There are various types of odd errors on servers which actually do not have any common way of fix. Here is One Fix For E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Error Which Makes APT To Fail to Update Packages on Ubuntu 16.04. Inventing the way of error probably helps in fixing similar types of errors. Please carefully read the next each and every sentences. Before You … [Read more...]
Car Data Capturing For Newbie : OBD II And Arduino, Raspberry
In our previous guide around Raspberry Pi and Car thing, we talked about how to around the car stereo deck aka DIN. In this guide we will talk about car data capturing from your car's OBD II port and interface easily with Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc at cheap cost. Neither all human has clear idea about car's OBD II port nor the matter exactly easy. Nowadays it is far easy and dirt cheap to get a … [Read more...]
Securing WordPress & Server After Anti-ISIS KurDish HaCk3rS Visit
All of us warn WordPress core developers for forcing higher security and closing the loopholes. After January-February 2017's brutal mass WordPress hacking, recently Google has delivered warning to upgrade WordPress to 4.7. Here is a guide for securing WordPress & server after anti-ISIS KurDish HaCk3rS visit. Of course, our one webpage suffered from SQL injection - Raspberry Pi DIN car … [Read more...]
Electric Screwdriver Buying Guide
Electric screwdrivers are basically power torque screwdriver. Torque screwdriver has some mechanism for ensure tightening up to a specified torque avoiding excessive torque. All manual and electric screwdriver have a torque limiting clutch system that disengages after the preset torque has been reached. Electric screwdriver can be standalone as battery powered tool or powered with electric cord. … [Read more...]
How to Configure Apache as Reverse Proxy (Ubuntu, Cloud Server)
Normally these days we use Nginx as reverse proxy. Like, in an old guide we have shown how to use Nginx reverse proxy to add an IPv6 address to IPv4 only dedicated server. Also we provided configuration of such for HSTS website. We actually can use Apache web server as reverse proxy. Here is How to Configure Apache as Reverse Proxy on Single Cloud Server Instance Running Ubuntu 16.04 For IPv4. We … [Read more...]
Raspberry Pi Car Project : DIN Slot Starter Guide
We have named the article as Raspberry Pi Car Project, but with the phrase Raspberry Pi, we want to mean the Raspberry Pi alternatives we talked about in old article as well. They are actually Single-Board Computers and there are Made in China Single-Board Computers which are cheaper than Raspberry Pi. There Are Many Technical Matters Around Car Need To Be Known For Complex Project. Here is a … [Read more...]
New Firefox, Chrome Will Warn Non-HTTPS Websites as Insecure
The idea of adding some warning for the non-HTTPS websites is not new, it was planned from 2014. As Expected, From First Half of 2017, New Versions of Firefox & Chrome Will Warn Non-HTTPS Websites as Insecure. After availability of Free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate as well as low cost DV SSL (read the comparison of Free Let's Encrypt SSL with paid DV SSL), there can not be much reasons for … [Read more...]
How to Install, Configure Elasticsearch with Apache Hadoop
There is reason why we compared Elasticsearch with Apache Hadoop. Here is How To How to Install, Configure Elasticsearch with Apache Hadoop, Flume, Kibana. Also We Provided Links to Official Configuration. Before running the commands, we will suggest to read the text under the next sub header. README To Install, Configure Elasticsearch with Apache Hadoop Previously we have … [Read more...]