If You Use Debian Jessie, You Can Install Nginx with pagespeed With One Command Without the Need to Build From Source. Here is For HP Cloud. Previously, we talked about installing Nginx Cache Purge module in one command, here is another easy way for avoiding building from source. It is Nginx-Extras for Debian Jessie and the source is dot deb. Install Nginx with pagespeed With One … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2015
Tips To Take Photos of DIY Electronics Projects
There are Many Things to Consider. Here are Some Tips To Take Photos of DIY Electronics Projects With Utmost Safety to Your Digital Camera. Reader may notice that, projects like 3V DC Motor stand has not used very good quality digital camera. Photography as art form is of lesser importance for such guides. Tips To Take Photos of DIY Electronics Projects : What Should You Read More … [Read more...]
Embed Matrix Code Rain Animation Effect in WordPress Post
One Can Create The Matrix Code Rain Animation Effect With Javascript on HTML5 Webpage and Customize According to Need. Here is resources. We talked about basics about HTML5 canvas. We can use Javascript library like jQuery for this purpose. At the time of publication of this article, such animated example can be seen on author's personal website - abhishekghosh.pro. Allow some time to … [Read more...]
WordPress with Fail2Ban Plugin on Ubuntu, HP Cloud
Here is How to use and Integrate WordPress with Fail2Ban Plugin on Ubuntu Server Instance Running on HP Cloud Platform in Few Easy Steps. On Ubuntu server, we have already installed Fail2Ban running Nginx and PHP5-FPM in another guide. In this guide, we will integrate WordPress with Fail2Ban Plugin. This demands a static public IP address for your login, else you may either be adding too many … [Read more...]
DIY 3V DC Motor Stand With Female Jumper Ends
Here is an Illustrated Guide For DIY 3V DC Motor Stand With Female Jumper Ends. 3V DC Motors Lacks Jumper, Needs Sound & Vibration Absorber. This guide is great for DIY test works. We are not fixing the 3V DC Motor inside the wooden stand so that we can use it for other purposes. You may read our 3V DC Motor Speed Control With Diode, Transistor with Arduino UNO Board. This guide is appropriate … [Read more...]
Install JDK 8 and Maven 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 (HP Cloud)
For Many Webapps in Java 8 We Need JDK 8 & Apache Maven. Here is How to Install JDK 8 and Maven 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Running on HP Cloud. We can install this combination on any server running PHP5-FPM and Nginx without any issue, with or without virtual host on Nginx. Note To Install JDK 8 and Maven 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 (HP Cloud) We are showing the working and tested method on … [Read more...]
Gearbox For Wheeled Robot : Differentials & Transmission
A dc motor can spin up with quite good rotational speed. But a gearbox can alter the rotational speed to higher torque. Here is a Guide on Choosing the Right Gearbox For Wheeled Robot. Our goal is to make a sturdy design in DIY way to save the cost in long term. Information is provided to avoid various deliberate bad idea distributed by consumer grade websites with a shop beside the blog. We will … [Read more...]
KeyCDN Setup : WordPress, W3 Total Cache, HSTS Website
KeyCDN Offers HSTS, Secured Setup Needs Work. Here is Guide on KeyCDN Setup For WordPress With W3 Total Cache For HSTS Website on HP Cloud. KeyCDN is less known or rather less advertised. We talked about the basics of KeyCDN. There is a link that webpage, if you click & register via it as Free Trial, you'll get $5.00 credit, if you directly register, you'll get $1.00 credit. Like DropBox. … [Read more...]
Nginx PHP5-FPM Restart Fix Note For Ubuntu (HP Cloud)
PHP5-FPM Restart Can Be Fixed on Ubuntu in 2 Ways. Our Famous Nginx PHP5-FPM Restart Fix Needs a Note For Ubuntu Instances on HP Cloud. We have forgotten how we fixed the issue, but our uploading the fix to Github seems to be useful for the users. We are elaborating the issue along with our fix and alternative method. Nginx PHP5-FPM Restart Fix Note For Ubuntu : Problem … [Read more...]
WordPress W3TC Plugin Disable : For WP Update
Disable W3TC Plugin for Nginx PHP5-FPM with Database Caching ON. Here is an easy guide to WordPress W3TC Plugin Disable on a specific common scenario from SSH. However, from the next time, you must disable the W3TC Plugin before hitting the update button. The method is not so easy that you can perform on regular basis - we are writing for Emergency Escape. WordPress W3TC Plugin Disable … [Read more...]
Arduino 3V Motor Control : Level I Advanced Speed Variation
This is a bit advanced guide. Arduino 3V Motor Control Level I Advanced Speed Variation is Second Hard Level Guide Where Diode, Transistor and Resister Has Been Used. We have the first guide - Arduino Basic 3V Motor Control. If you open your Arduino GUI application, under Tools dropdown menu, you will get "Serial Monitor" as option. We will use that Serial Monitor Window to input an arbitrary … [Read more...]