Normally Wheeled Robot Chassis Are Sold Separately and Also Can Be Custom Build. Here is a Buying cum DIY Guide For Wheeled Robot Chassis. We already talked about Arduino powered robots, how to choose 3G module to make it wire free, difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards. Wheeled Robot Chassis : Basics on the Platform, Mechanical Stability etc. 3D printed Wheeled … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2015
Copy Backup Files From Server to DropBox Cloud (HP Cloud)
This Guide To Copy Backup Files From Server to DropBox Cloud, is Tested on HP Cloud & Will Work on All Servers including OpenStack Instances. There can be hundreds of problems with web content - web host issues, hacker attacks, migration, any disaster. For within the same datacenter, in case of OpenStack, OpenStack Raksha and Floating IP is the method of choice. Copy Backup Files … [Read more...]
Breathing LED Arduino : Circuit & Code
LED Never Breathes! MacBook Pro Has Sleep LED Which Pulsates Resembling Human Breathing. Here is Breathing LED Arduino Circuit & Code. Circuit sketch not required. If you can add LED to default BLINK sketch to blink, you can easily use it. It will need only one LED, optionally, you can use a resister for better voltage control. It is suggested to use a resister. Adafruit has a cufflink named … [Read more...]
Add WordPress Diff Manually on Needed Post
This Guide Shows How To Use jQuery & CSS to Add WordPress Diff Manually on Needed Post. You Can Offer Option Button to Show Diff Nicely. We at rare case need to add a WordPress Diff Plugin to automatically add the diff option, such need is usually for custom WordPress site like we described in the guide for creation of WordPress site for Publishing Scholarly Academic Journals. Diff is a … [Read more...]
Taking Out Hard Disk Motor For DIY Project
Here is What Exactly You Will Do For Taking Out Hard Disk Motor For DIY Project. Probably You Need Just a Torx Screwdriver For Clean Work. Orthopedics tool set for opening Security Torx Screws are great, but probably it is too much for DIY work to buy Orthopedics OT stuffs. Security Torx is the screw's name which apparently looks like a repeat. These are quite basic screws in comparison to … [Read more...]
DNS Servers in India For Internet Connection (TCP/IP)
Some times we need to manually configure DNS settings. Here are some DNS Servers in India For Internet Connection (TCP/IP) Which You Can Use. Previously, we have talked about the issues with using a public DNS. Always it is better to use the ISP provided DNS. How the routing happens in India is written here. Google DNS is better to avoid for higher security and privacy. However at extreme, you can … [Read more...]
Arduino UNO Box : Enclosure Building Guide
It is not possible to forever keep a board in the package's box! Dust will accumulate. Here is Arduino UNO Box or Enclosure Buying Guide. There are some ready to buy solutions, as well as you can cut the raw materials and join or even 3D print the things and join. Only you need to keep some factors in mind. Arduino UNO Box : Enclosure Buying Guide Factors For storage purpose … [Read more...]
WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS
We Are Not Going Describing How to Install WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS But Saying How You Will Leverage Business With This Combo. Definitely you can install WordPress on IBM BlueMix for 100% free of cost with one IP address, 128MB RAM forever or use the paid tier of the PaaS. WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS : Do Not Mix Enterprise Grade Business With … [Read more...]
DIY LED Dot Matrix Display For Arduino Scrolling Text
Here Are Many Ways To Build DIY LED Dot Matrix Display For Arduino Scrolling Text and Other Effects. Save Money By Buying Raw Components. There are hundreds of online websites and online shops who will sell you 8x8 dot matrix display at $10.00. But, basically if you build for yourself you can decrease the cost plus make it bigger, smaller, custom shaped etc. DIY LED Dot Matrix Display … [Read more...]
Adding Help & Option in Bash Script
Many New Hobbyist Programmers and Students Write Bash Scripts. Adding Help & Option in Bash Script is Easy. Here is a Basic Guide With Examples. Advanced guide will need dedicated website or books. Previously, we have talked about bash script and simple example of such script can be bash script for counting the number of balls easily for a pyramid made of balls. Adding Help & … [Read more...]
WordPress Link Title Attribute Restoration in Insert/Edit URL
Old Users Are Not Finding Where Link Title Gone Away. Sadly, WordPress Link Title Attribute Restoration in Insert/Edit URL Officially Died. Why died? Because the newbies can not understand the difference between "Title" and "Linked Text". In this guide, we will show WordPress link title attribute restoration with the hope, it will be a forward compatible solution. WordPress Link Title … [Read more...]