OpenStack-on-OpenStack or TripleO is an official OpenStack project for deployment of OpenStack systems. It is often asked by the new users - what is undercloud and what is overcloud? As can be understandable, all of these phrases are related to OpenStack Cloud Computing Software Development and HP Helion Cloud. HP is the single largest code contributor to OpenStack and there is HP Helion OpenStack … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2015
ANT Protocol in Brief
ANT is a proprietary wireless sensor network technology which features a wireless communications protocol stack which enables the industrial and medical devices to communicate by establishing standard rules for co-existence, data representation, signaling, authentication and error detection. As ANT Protocol is a closed source protocol, there is no Standard or RFC. The role of ANT Protocol in … [Read more...]
Ãœbersicht : Widgets Better Than GeekTool
Ãœbersicht is a Free Software Framework to Print Commands on Desktop as Widgets in a Better Way Via CoffeeScript Than GeekTool. GeekTool is probably discontinued. GeekTool was far complicated than Ãœbersicht. It has been near 1 year plus since Ãœbersicht is in active use. Ãœbersicht has more creative possibilities like xWidget. We can not use xWidget on OS X plus xWidget is not a Free Software. We … [Read more...]
Good Bokeh Lens For Professional DSLRs
With Consumer Grade DSLR and Low End Lens, Bokeh Will Start to Show Various Distortions. Here Are Some Good Bokeh Lens For Professional DSLRs. Wider opening from f/0.95 to f/2.5 usually create great quality of bokeh in general. Frankly, creating a dreamy background with very good quality bokeh demands good bodies, safely excluding consumer grade DSLRs from Nikon and Canon. There are lot of good, … [Read more...]
OpenStack Magnum & Container as a Service From Cloud Providers
OpenStack Magnum is a project that combines the other softwares on multi-tenant Cloud software OpenStack to provide Container as a Service. Previously we have discussed about container based virtualization and Docker. OpenStack Magnum is a project that combines multi-tenant OpenStack, Docker, kubernetes, and Flannel and the function is not to improve the technology of container, but just to make … [Read more...]
Research Showing No Advantage of SSD on Virtual Machine
Sadly, Latest Research Showing No Advantage of SSD on Virtual Machine. Older SSDs showing decline in performance which is not a cost saving fact. Solid State Drives are becoming more of enterprise standard, but they have not yet reached their full potential. Researchers found data and created performance graphs which are not encouraging. SSD technology is relatively new and not surprisingly, … [Read more...]
Bare WordPress Plugins With Admin Page For Your Dev Works
These Bare WordPress Plugins With Admin Page, Without Admin Page Are For Your Developmental Works. Add PHP Snippet & They Will Become Yours. Here and there many guides are written by WordPress Gurus (unfortunately PHP is not great language to some of us) all over the Internet, we made practical working example out of them! For example, for creating an option page for OpenStack Swift … [Read more...]
Free Software Vs Open Source Software
Source code and Licensing matters for many reasons including privacy. Often Readers Ask the Question - Free Software Vs Open Source Software - which are better to use terminology or what exactly they mean? Today, standing in mid 2015, all the suspected Governmental Spyware activities via various monopoly business has been quite obvious even to a layman. There is difference between Free Software … [Read more...]
Edit SSH After Login Info (MOTD) on Deb GNU/Linux
Edit SSH After Login Info i.e. MOTD on Deb GNU/Linux including Execution of Scripts. In Post PRISM Acknowledged Era, Functions Has Been Changed. For example, you can not add colors to SSH Pre login Screen. The linked article was for pre-login, before the interactive shell started, that was a gateway of Edward Snowden's co-workers to sniff what scripts you kept on your server. on official Debian … [Read more...]
DSLR Focus Tips
Here Are DSLR Focus Tips To Get Sharper Images. There is no way to correct the focus afterwards in any software unlike the other parameters. DSLR has advantages of assisting the focus, however other than these software assisted methods, the quality of sensor, the lens, other camera settings and the person behind the camera contributes behind a sharp, good looking photograph. DSLR Focus … [Read more...]
HP Software Defined Services in Brief
HP Has Software Defined Services In Two Flavors - Data Center Automation Virtual Appliance and Operations Orchestration. Here is a quick guide. Quite Useful Services For the SMBs. Previously we have discussed about Software Defined Data Center, Software Defined Network, Software Defined Storage etc. topics through many articles. This one is a practical example. Service Catalogue of HP … [Read more...]