I noticed that one cunning website made our 4 years old Migrating Applications to the Cloud a new article in new form with fragments of sentences as sub headers! It feels beautifully odd to read such article. As in this 4 years I learned, experienced more, my idea, opinions, depth has changed. As such, number of mushrooming startup companies all over the earth is huge with over 90% failure rate. As the rate of startup companies increasing, number of baits towards cloud computing increasing. Most mushrooming startup companies has one manager who can talk superfluous. Here are the mistakes to avoid while migrating applications to the cloud. Hundred times, we can not talk superfluous words around cloud computing possibly because we have nothing to sell.
Mistakes To Avoid While Migrating Applications To The Cloud
First and grave mistake possibly not to ask what is cloud computing and fake as expert. We use cloud computing services to save ongoing cost. No, cloud server with running website is no so easy scalable unlike a dedicated/colocated server. A dedicated/colocated server’s RAM can be increased in running condition by addition of physical RAM. The use of cloud computing is practical for cost reduction for not much serious matters – like DNS, Email used by this website. Yet, running own DNS, Email services are difficult, time consuming as one time work but basically not actually hugely costly.
Second mistake is not knowing about the cheap dedicated servers and testing them.
Third mistake is not knowing about the lower cost bigger Eurasian companies who sell “cloud servers” at least cost – like Aruba sells 1 GB RAM VMWare instance at 1 Euro per month cost, OVH sells 1 GB RAM OpenStack instance at 2 or 3 Euro per month cost, there are lot of such companies and their subsidiaries with much bell & whistles – VPSdime sells 6GB RAM OpenVZ at $7/month cost.
Third mistake is not knowing about the colocation servers. It is not really mandatory to have datacenter in US. European countries cost lesser than the US companies.
Forth mistake is to save money by relying on own staffs to initiate such migration. This is definitely a grave mistake for which they pay later. Whether cloud will save money and troubles in long run, it is not easy to calculate without having unbiased experience.
Fifth mistake is taking many things granted as the responsibility of the cloud provider. Possibly most common in this category is not taking backup and plan recovery. There is reason behind this mistake – many cloud providers advertise that they take 8 hourly backup of their servers – they were talking about their own backups on failure not backups available for the customers. Tricky work, but our article on cloud computing SLA needs reading.
Sixth mistake is reading articles on mistakes to avoid while migrating applications to the cloud by the authors, websites who has no developmental, how to guides around sysadmin works. We told you that cloud native services is a complicated word.
Seventh mistake is reading articles written by the employees of the cloud vendors. They have a typical format of writing with this prototype sub headers :
- Incompatibility (factually false)
- There is security (factually false)
- Pointing that you are a fool because you do not know all the vendors all services (needs no explanation)
- Subscribe their blog
Eighth mistake is result to reading the seventh. Cloud computing vendor lock-in is just bad. There is multi cloud approach.
Ninth mistake is trying to understand, master cloud vendor’s proprietary API.
Tagged With Dr Abhisek Ghosh