In the Virtualized Cloud of Security, wishing you a happy NSA Spyware Activity Free, Privacy Enabled, Google's Hypocrisy Free Happy New Year! What the way you can expect to convey greeting from a website that is fully related to Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Virtualization and Hundreds of things! Happy New Year 2015 Episode From The Customize Windows : Snippet SSL … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2014
Install WordPress on Nginx With HHVM on Ubuntu Cloud Server
Here is Step by Step Guide to Install WordPress on Nginx With HHVM on Ubuntu Cloud Server. This simple and most easy standalone HHVM only guide. We talked about HipHop Virtual Machine or HHVM in order article. Normally, with Nginx, we use PHP5-FPM. This guide is how to install WordPress on Nginx with HHVM on Ubuntu Cloud Server without PHP5-FPM. You can use Dedicated or non-Cloud instances too, … [Read more...]
Public Key Pinning Support Nginx Ubuntu Cloud Server
Here is a guide for enabling Public Key Pinning Support Nginx Ubuntu Cloud Server, which is essentially an advanced step for HSTS setup. We have discussed about HSTS for Nginx, Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP) and OCSP stapling and this article on Public Key Pinning is one level up. Public Key Pinning Support Nginx Ubuntu Cloud Server : Basics Public Key Pinning … [Read more...]
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP)
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP) is a RFC 6960 standard, it is a method to determine the revocation status of a digital certificate. Normally, we need to know about Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP) for SSL/TLS certificate installation on any Web Server Software, for example - Nginx. It is alternative means than the use of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL). The Online Certificate … [Read more...]
Peer Reviewed Journal Should be Demoted in the Age of Big Data
Peer Reviewed Journal Should be Demoted in the Age of Big Data to Avoid Closed Source Manipulation of Data, Mix up With Bad Data and For Security. Those who are still not aware about NSA Spyware activities and possible relationship with HeartBleed can read this linked article. The Journals are usually published from U.S. - the main culprit behind Governmental Spyware Activities. Demotion of Peer … [Read more...]
Cloud Computing and IoT : Predictions That Came True in 2014
Here is a Selection of the Predictions Which Came True in 2014 from the virtual containers to hybrid cloud up to the new role of IoT and SDDC. New year is not only the time to think about the next 12 months and speculate what will we see. The opportunity to look back to the forecasts on cloud computing since the end of 2013 to the end of 2014, which now running out, is not what quite bad. Here is … [Read more...]
Google and HTTPS : Chrome Will Warn The Users to Not Protected Sites
Google is quite desperate regain their trust after PRISM Revelations. Google Chrome Browser Will Warn the Users to Visit Not Protected Sites. NSA Spyware Activities and the possible of relationship of Heartbleed vulnerability put Google in worser situation ever anything did to Google. Previously, Google AdSense behaved with the Publishers, particularly from India and China like marked thieves. … [Read more...]
grep, cut Examples with unix pipe
There are certain commonly used commands for managing Linux Servers. Here are some useful grep, cut examples with unix pipelining for SSH. We wrote about UNIX Pipe before, the reader must read that article if he/she is not aware of using pipe. Theoretical knowledge and practical management of a server differs hugely. We often do not type cd followed by space on Mac iTerm2, Homebrew Setup. We … [Read more...]
Digital Prescription : Standard for Cloud Computing Platform
A Universal Digital Prescription Standard is a Real Need for Work on Cloud Computing Platforms as Chances of NSA Spyware Activities is More. Currently except 3D Medical Data, there is no consistent IEEE Standard. IEEE Standard has the advantage to using the Standard as if like we use Free Software, although there can limitations added by the Group or Individual can bear usage of Closed Source … [Read more...]
HSTS, Cloud Security, IOT and Google
HSTS is a Standard Which is Safer than Plain HTTPS. We Have Pointed Out the Falsehood of the Big Giants in Post PRISM Era With HSTS Preload List. Those who are not aware about HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) Preload List can read the linked article. This article is a guide to Nginx Configuration for Enabling HSTS Preload. There are more things like CORS header. After Snowden revealed the … [Read more...]
Ingress and Egress Filtering in Cloud Computing
Ingress and Egress Filtering in Cloud Computing are used for restricting incoming and outbound packets on a network via Physical or Virtual Router. We have discussed about Router and Subnet settings for HP Helion Public Cloud. These terminologies and theories belongs to Networking and except Textbook, it is near impossible to discuss even the Basics. We are providing a basic idea about both the … [Read more...]