In previously published article we explained what is multi cloud and long back paradox of choice with multi cloud. Using several cloud providers helps to get perfect solution with increased management burden. Here is multi cloud management system in brief. After Snowden reveals, possibly private cloud versus public cloud becoming a point where even the SMEs are seriously thinking around adopting a hybrid cloud approach.
Multi Cloud Management System In Brief
In this situation, multi cloud is another new phenomenon which possibly confusing them – HP or IBM talking about using other providers sounds against normal business policies. Not really so, the service catalogue of all standard providers has been increased and more cloud computing is getting matured, some providers even dropping some services or selling them to keep the offering easy. Rackspace, IBM, HP, OpenShift are among our favourite cloud computing vendors since 2010. At present, Rackspace already dropped their Mosso Cloud aka Rackspace Cloud Sites, Domain Services, Own hosted Cloud Servers. Rackspace was famous for management, optimised hardware configuration and they shifted to their specialised segment. HP could not run their open public cloud services, shifting to own segment. IBM is relatively newer in cloud business and possibly selecting own niche. How much odd the phenomenon of promoting multi cloud by the cloud providers appear, it is an honest old business model to retain the old customers. Having accounts in various services only for IaaS – IBM, HP, Rackspace, Aruba, OVH, Linode, Amazon actually a big problem to the end user. It is normal to not use the relatedly not so used old account of one provider. Also, offering such indirectly pushes to compare the features. Add the complexity of different types of virtualization platforms, docker like container virtualization and various cloud computing service models – IaaS, PaaS, Serverless computing, SaaS.
Of course, out of this situation the end user is gainer. But the point we started to discuss at the beginning – problem of management. Out of the current problems, Multi Cloud Management System itself has been a new niche known as Cloud Services Brokerage (CSB) has emerged. Cloud Services Brokerage touting to eliminate the burden on the IT administrators of a company to manage cloud services from different vendors. Some vendors started offering a managed layer! In the mean time, there are lot of cloud orchestration and tools for automation.
To the end user, it is not odd to fear multi cloud management system offerings. A multi cloud management platform is software as a service (SaaS) by cloud computing service model which enables the users to manage all cloud deployment models from purchasing services, monitoring, deployment to billing from a single, web-based interface.
Multi Cloud Management System : Conclusion
Although, multi cloud management solutions are often practical are still not fully developed. An average user needs to know many matters before selecting any such service particularly if offered by some startup company.
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