Commonly we configure Mac with HomeBrew, iTerm2 and Oh My ZSH for installation of command line and other packages. There are existing commands for MacOS X for the works we perform via GUI. Utilizing MacOS X command line software update & disk utility makes performing day to day computer management works easy, fast, informative. We have collected the commands all over the web, of course original source is Apple.
MacOS X Command Line Software Update & Disk Utility Commands
To see all the available commands for Software Update, run :
1 | softwareupdate -h |
To read the manual page for Software Update, run :
1 | man softwareupdate |
List of available software updates with the following command :
1 | softwareupdate -l |
It will give output like :
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Software Update Tool Finding available software Software Update found the following new or updated software: * 091-00008-3.3 EPSON Printer Software Update (3.3), 25382K [recommended] |
Install the above example’s update :
1 | sudo softwareupdate -i 091-00008-3.3 |
It will give output like :
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Software Update Tool Downloading EPSON Printer Software Update Downloaded EPSON Printer Software Update Installing EPSON Printer Software Update |
We can install only recommended updates :
1 | sudo softwareupdate -irv |
We can install only update for specific software (example given above) :
1 | sudo softwareupdate -i package-name-version |
We can only ignore one but update all others : -–ignore flag, for example:
1 | sudo softwareupdate --ignore package-name-version |
To read the manual for Disk Utility, run :
1 | man diskutil |
List all :
1 | diskutil list |
You’ll get something like :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh HD 499.2 GB disk0s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD +498.9 GB disk1 Logical Volume on disk0s2 ZXCVBNMLKF-XXX-YYYY-AAA-QWERTYUIIOP Unencrypted /dev/disk3 (disk image): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme +3.2 GB disk3 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk3s1 2: Apple_HFS SynfigStudio 2.9 GB disk3s2 |
If external device is mounted and needs unmounting run :
1 | sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/<number> |
Disk utility can verify volume, repair, check backups etc. We are not showing them as they are less needed and you’ll get them on manual.
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