Software Defined Radio (SDR), in a narrower sense, is a radio telecommunication system using a software-configurable platform for modulation and demodulation of a mixture signal. Software Defined Radio is the method of total signal processing of radio station with customizable hardware in software. To make it more easy to understand - Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2014
Varnish Cache and WordPress Login Errors (Ubuntu)
Varnish Cache can give unique pain. Here is Fix for getting rid of WordPress Login Error on Ubuntu Server running on Rackspace Cloud (PVHVM). For example, suddenly you can face either a white page (if no loadbalancer is in front) or load balancer served typical default Service Unavailable page from Rackspace load balancer. Even if it is a managed server, you might need to add some help to the … [Read more...]
OpenFlow : The Enabler of Software Defined Networking
OpenFlow switching is a technology that grew out of the research project named OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks in 2008 at Stanford University. OpenFlow is an enabler of Software defined networking (SDN). OpenFlow is defined as an emergent and open communication protocol that allows a server software to determine the packet forwarding path that should be followed in a network of … [Read more...]
Relationship of Cloud Automation and Abstraction
In the era of Software Defined, Cloud automation may not be a direct consequence of abstraction due to some operating limits of the systems. We Are Reaching an Age Where Computing is Defined by Software. Software Defined Storage Virtualization, Software Defined Network and the convergence - Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). Abstraction is a frequently used terminology especially in articles of … [Read more...]
Hashtag : All About Hashtag and Tools for the Advanced Users
Hashtag is a string composed of one or more concatenated words, preceded by a pound or number sign ( # ). Tools exist for managing Hashtag. Number sign is a name for the symbol #, which is used for a variety of purposes, including the designation of a number (for example, "#1" stands for "number one"), excluding sentences to be executed in script (commenting out) in certain programming languages. … [Read more...]
Change Language From English in OpenShift Hosted WordPress
Here Are the Ways To Change Language From English in OpenShift Hosted WordPress In Case Your Language is Not English. There Are Many Ways. So far, our Installing WordPress on Free OpenShift PaaS video guide appearing to be somewhat a good hit after a year. There is also easy to follow textual guide to install WordPress on OpenShift. You will notice on the comments part, that one user has asked how … [Read more...]
Software Defined Storage and Future of Physical Storage
Software Defined Storage can be seen as the evolution that marks the end of traditional storage systems using virtual storage technology. In the previous articles, we have talked about What is Software Defined Storage (SDS), Characteristics of Software Defined Storage (SDS) and Software Defined Storage Virtualization. In this article, we will discuss about Software Defined Storage and Future of … [Read more...]
Protecting Server Directory With RSA and DSA Key
It is Possible to Create Mechanism to Protect Server Directory With RSA and DSA Key. If RSA Key does not match, the user will not be allowed to access the area. RSA and DSA Keys are Digital Signature. It appears a bit difficult to think about Protecting Server Directory With RSA and DSA Key, but if one thinks carefully, it is a kind of modification of SSH to Server Without Entering Password From … [Read more...]
Software Defined Data Center : New Business Opportunities
Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) can be a mainstream business over next few years, it is always better to be attentive to innovations. Previously, we talked about Why Software Defined Data Center is Emerging, What Purpose Software Defined Data Center Serves and the basics - What is Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). So the basics around the thing has already been defined through these … [Read more...]
Raster to Vector Conversion (Vectorization) Softwares
Raster to Vector Conversion is known as Vectorization or Image Tracing. Here is a list of Raster to Vector Conversion Softwares. You will notice that, on various leaflets, handbooks, product inserts kind of hand drawn looking bitmap images are use - for example, inside a box package of a mouse, there can be images on how to open the battery compartment and insert the batteries. Mostly they look … [Read more...]
How To Run Java App Engine Applications on OpenShift PaaS
We Can Easily Run Java App Engine Applications on OpenShift PaaS For Fully Free of Cost. All You Need is an OpenShift Account to Move. We have talked about Architecture of Google App Engine before, Guide to Cloud Computing explains and links towards all the needed knowledge resource. As OpenShift is not only provides a free forever usage tier like Heroku Cloud, plus it is based on free/Open Source … [Read more...]