API Development Can Predict the Quality of a Cloud Service Provider. API can bend services to our needs using simple programming languages. Just like said in our article Cloud Computing and The Rise of API; it is seen that, on long term, a good cloud service provider has better documentation of sets of API for their services versus their competitors. We wrote about API or Application programming … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2014
What Impact IoT (Internet of Things) Will Deliver To the Security Firms?
IoT (Internet of Things) is a mass phenomenon, but is capable of directly affecting the enterprise sector, forget about on IT security. We already know very well that NSA knew about HeartBleed bug. The reader can know the basics about Internet of Things (IoT), today for almost everything we use in our everyday life; it is becoming mandatory to know the basics about them. It is quite clear from the … [Read more...]
Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems
Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems provides a flexible environment for sharing hardware resources for operating systems. Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems is usually abbreviated as ADEOS. Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems is a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) or a hypervisor that operates between computer hardware and the operating system that runs on … [Read more...]
Importance of Emergency Plan in Cloud Computing Platform
Cloud Computing Services Also Fail. To better address any shortcomings it is always important to have an emergency plan and 24/7 management. Importance of Emergency Plan in Cloud Computing Platform sounds easy to understand but this is one of the most difficult. Increased demand, for example can bring an emergency situation. Natural Disaster can bring an Emergency situation The Importance of … [Read more...]
apt-get install wordpress and Cloud Installation of WordPress on Ubuntu
WordPress can be installed via apt-get install wordpress command as package through the universe repositories. We have explained the method for Rackspace Cloud Server. Actually, the command is easy to run than our described method to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server (Ubuntu 14.04 PVHVM). We do not use apt-get install wordpress command to install WordPress (on Debian and Ubuntu) as by … [Read more...]
If Shifting to Cloud Has Increased Spendings You Are Doing Wrong
Shifting to cloud should reduce spending, you should be able to predict your bill for cloud. If spending increases, there is some wrong. Cloud Computing, in essence, is based on Virtualization technology; most softwares used for Cloud Computing are Free Softwares, it is basically a multi-tenant model - you might read The Concept of Multi-tenancy in Cloud Computing. Dedicated Server uses dedicated … [Read more...]
Push Message Server : Free Software AeroGear Can Cover All
AeroGear is a Free Software for Creating Push Message Server Instance. You Can Use Aerogear for Android, iOS, Mozilla and Safari Browser. Most importantly, one can test AeroGear free of cost on OpenShift Paas Free developers account. However, we will cover the basics for Push Message Server, AeroGear taking that; you are using Rackspace Cloud Server. Also, you can create a free developers account … [Read more...]
Colored Tick Mark, Unordered List with Icon-Font
It Looks Great to Have Colored Tick Marks, Unordered List with Icon-Font ! Most Importantly, with Base64 Encoding, no image to load! Definitely, this is somewhat advanced article and you must must be used with our way of hacking - every good website has some special way of making the things to work. CSS Tricks has a set, Perishable Press has a set and so on. None probably copies from each other. … [Read more...]
Cloud Marketplace and Progress of Cloud Computing
Cloud Marketplace is a concept which has resemblance with App Store. These online storefronts are becoming more important in Cloud market. App Store by Apple is basically the GUI of Apple's package manager. Cloud Marketplace is currently present as Rackspace Cloud Marketplace, AWS Marketplace, Oracle Marketplace, Microsoft Windows Azure Marketplace, Salesforce.com's AppExchange etceteras. A cloud … [Read more...]
Why Daddy Talks are Absent in Google Algorithm Change 2014
Daddy like instructive talks are fully absent in Google algorithm change in 2014. The reason is more related to business than anything else. Basically there are several reasons. Whatever the Net Profit shows, Google is a Business which is at risk. The risk was not that realized by Google before the reveal by Snowden, i.e. the Malware and Spyware activities ran by NSA and helped by three giants, … [Read more...]
Load Balancer Service from Rackspace : Handy Guide
We prefer Rackspace Cloud for High Availability and Clear SLA. You can use external nodes with Load Balancer Service from Rackspace. We can not say about the pricing part or officially provided support level - for that part, one must consult the official documentation of Rackspace. We only can tell about the technical part of Load Balancer Service from Rackspace from users point of view for … [Read more...]