Tools Like Apache Solr Has WordPress Plugin to Integrate With WordPress. Apache Solr is open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene but not exactly directly a building component of Big Data platform. Here Is An Article On Integration of Big Data Tools With WordPress. WordPress definitely can handle core Big Data works. But there are limitations as WordPress essentially a CMS written in PHP and use MySQL as database.
Integration of Big Data Tools With WordPress : Only Apache Solr
WordPress Search and WooCommerce solution has known performance issues because of database structure. It is possible to install Apache Solr on server and use WordPress plugins to make WordPress search, WooCommerce search faster as query to MySQL database not needed, instead Solr’s fast structure is used. As this is not a how to install and configure guide, we can only point towards two WordPress plugins :
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As for warning, there are reported security bugs with some of those plugins :
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Integration of Big Data Tools With WordPress : Is There Anything For Hadoop, Spark?
Actually the way we install and use Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark or the tutorials we listed around Big Data are not exactly compatible or practical to integrate with WordPress.
NoSQL solutions are not a drop-in replacement for MySQL. They are a good solution to some specific needs, but MySQL is popular because the semantics are what we would expect – transactional, easy to query, simple to set up, and simple to administer.
Using Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase instead of MySQL for a normal CMS or blog type website is like using an half horse power pump to empty a big lake. Officially it is possible to integrate (installed on one server) but they are not really closer to any ideal solution. Security issues almost expected matter as there should be very less users who use such solution.
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