Previously we published about Paperduino. Here Are List of Components To Get Your Own Cheapest Arduino UNO Kit on Copper Board or Breadboard. With good quality components it will cost $6. As we are using 28 Pin IC base for Atmega328 to sit, it becomes costly. Build quality becomes far better than Made in China clones. It is good way to learn basic electronics.
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Cheapest Arduino UNO Kit on Copper Board
The list of the components is this :
One ATMEL Atmega328P with Arduino UNO Bootloader
One 16Mhz crystal
One 28 Pin IC Base
One Berg Strip Male 40 Pin
One Push switch
One 7805 Voltage Regulator
One Copper Board
One DC Power Socket
Two 22pf
Two 10K Ohm Resistor
Two 220 Ohm Resistor
Two 100uf 25v Capacitor
The above one dozen components makes somewhat professional kit than instructables original version :
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To be fully correct and avoid any risk of oscillations on the 5V out of sudden load changes around the 7805, there should be two additional ceramic capacitors of 100uf each from the input and the output of the 7805 to the ground.
Circuit Diagram of Cheapest Arduino UNO Kit on Copper Board
We have created a graphical representation of the whole kit with circuit diagram.
As we are using ATMEL Atmega328 with Arduino UNO Bootloader, you will not face any trouble to use it with official Arduino IDE. You can easily replace the ATMEL Atmega328 or use the whole set in the way you want for other purpose. Also total size becoming lesser.
Tagged With Arduino cheapest , arduino uno board copper weight , cheapest arduino uno kit on copper board , how to build led display board pcb , https://thecustomizewindows com/2017/03/cheapest-arduino-uno-kit-copper-board/ , ic 7805