iPhone is used for various kind of photographies now. Scan Photography or Scanography is the Usage of Flatbed Scanner For Digital Photography to Get High Resolution Photography Mostly in DIY Way. Fine art scanography has difference with normal document scanning as three dimensional objects including landscapes are used as subjects in this type of photograph. They are not the way a flatbed scanner works and it has challenges but does produce rewarding results. First such process initiated around the year 1968 by using the photocopy machines to produce artworks. They were more commonly known as Xerox artists and Scanographers. Quality of scanner photography is more closer to large format photography. The process can capture extremely fine detail with a shallow depth of field.
Scan Photography : Methods Used For Flatbed Scanner Digital Photography
Optical resolution of a flatbed scanner can exceed 5000 pixels per inch, which is far higher than any digital camera. The process of taking image from a document is quite slower. By default, depth of field of the scanners is very swallow, focus remains no more than half an inch from the surface. Built-in light and total system provides the great sharpness and color saturation.
As the scanner’s bed is the focal plane, either the artist needs to place the objects on the scanner bed or need to arrange an optical system to focus image on the surface of flatbed scanner. The process does not differ hugely from the vintage photography techniques. Object placed on the surface of scanner either can remain static from start to end of the scan or can be moved for creating artistic effects.
Unique methods are often named after the artist. Like Marty Klein’s method, Chris Staebler’s method, Patri Feher’s method and so on. Red, Green, Blue Filters can be used to create 3 images and finally digitally merged.
Resources For Scan Photography or Flatbed Scanner Digital Photography
The infographics is possibly useful for the readers. It is beyond our capabilities to describe how to of such projects. Either of the ways are not hugely difficult to start with.
It demands more creativity for the composition part. Here are some resources for the interested users :
1 2 3 4 5 6 | http://www.scannography.org/index.html http://golembewski.awardspace.com http://masteringphoto.com/scanner-photography-an-alternative-with-a-large-format-look/ http://www.liquidinplastic.com/2008/10/the-400-megapixel-project-part-1/ http://dwarmstr.blogspot.in/2008/04/adventures-in-large-format-digital_09.html http://petapixel.com/2016/08/18/taking-pictures-without-camera-world-scanner-photography/ |