Previously, Apple OS X had problems with ZTE MF 190 USB Modem. Reliance has another WiFi hotspot option. However, ArTel curently offers more robust features and consistent speed. Additionally, Huawei E5573 Router has fallback from 4G/LTE to 3G and 2G. Here is Review of Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot For OS X. Features, Specs, WiFi Extension, Antenna and Advanced Features are Discussed in this article. We strongly recommend to read LTE, router like previously published articles to have a basic idea about the hardware and technology. Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot device is LTE cat4 mobile Wifi device. LTE Category 4 (CAT4) is the next step in 4G LTE device capability. CAT4 rated devices are capable of achieving better typical speeds in 4G coverage areas where the network is enabled with 20MHz of contiguous spectrum. This device supports 2×2 MIMO technology. AirTel supports 4×4 MIMO. This device is towards one generation back in World Standard.
Huawei has all modern devices and actually AirTel and other providers on this earth is clearing their house. That does not mean it can be sent to scrapyard. It only means — after a couple or three years, you probably need an upgrade. We are suggesting to buy Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot at the time of publication of this writing if 4G tower is available in the user’s area. It supports 3G network, but the device will continuously scan for 4G (you can not see it) resulting in lower battery life. Although, you can set to 3G only from settings. Airtel is deploying Sequans-powered LTE devices.
Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot : Custom Firmware
By default, Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot is locked with custom firmware. We do not recommend to unlock or flash it with default Huawei E5573 Router firmware unless the user is aware what he/she is doing.
Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot : Plans, Packaging and Presentation
Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot is available by either online order from AirTel’s official website (which can take 15 days or more to deliver) or finding the 4G AirTel Stores on AirTel’s official website and physically visiting one of them. Postpaid plan at the time of publication of this article has minimum 9 plans :
- 450 INR/month 2 GB
- 650 INR/month 3 GB
- 750 INR/month 5 GB
- 999 INR/month 10 GB
- 1299 INR/month 12 GB
- 1499 INR/month 15 GB
- 2049 INR/month 25 GB
- 2999 INR/month 45 GB
- 4799 INR/month 80 GB
Except the first plan, after end of the data benefit, speed will become 128kbps. However, plan can be change online or from AirTel store to switch to the next higher plan. 1499 INR/month for 15 GB and 2049 INR/month for 25 GB (plus tax) is suitable for who works on the Internet. AirTel presents Huawei E5573s-606 model in a bland white colored cardboard boxing with Beetel’s sticker and another sticker for IMEI, Serial Number and Model. Printed booklets/papers supplied on Safety Information, Warranty Card from Huawei and a Quick Start guide. Only thing to read is the IP address of the Router management, which is :
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Default username is admin
and password is admin
. You can change it later.
From outside
Original Huawei E5573s-606 model has Huawei logo on the round button (which is like the newer iPhones). AirTel sold Huawei E5573s-606 has no has Huawei logo on the round button but AirTel Logo and AirTel 4G writing on the top of it in red color. Behind, nothing modified – Mobile Wifi and Huawei logo is present. There is no other difference in hardware. There is one multicolor LED on the left hand side which remains red for error (can blink), green for LTE, yellow for 3G and so on. There is another multicolor LED on the right hand side which blinks while charging being green, red on low battery, steady green on OK condition. So in normal condition when 4G tower is available and battery is near full, two green LED will glow giving a ghost eye like appearance in dark. Thankfully, there is automatic standby mode which turns off the light. There is no other button or indicator. Long pressing the round button which is like the newer iPhones switches ON or OFF the device. Quick press exists standby mode. It can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously. There is one Micro USB for changing and connecting for wired connection with computer. There is one dual TS9 connectors 4G antenna for increasing the signal.
From inside
After opening, there is the back lid bearing the default Wifi password, PUK, PIN etc. On the device side, there is a SIM card slot and a battery. Battery life is next to pathetic. Battery is like old day UPS for desktop computers. Do not expect many hours life without charging it. Original Huawei E5573s-606 model has only two negative points – pathetic battery life and no display at all. Otherwise the router is just great. As Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot is same, the ratings will be same.
Airtel 4G Huawei E5573 Router WiFi Hotspot : Router Features & Antenna
As we have said, there is one dual TS9 connectors 4G antenna for increasing the signal. These are called MIMO (multiple input, multiple output). Buying antenna is not easy. You must ask someone of Networking/Telecommunication in StackExchange like websites for your need. They cost huge. Without proper match for the device and service provider, there will be no advantage.
If we switch on the device, plug the Micro USB to MacBook Pro, a pop up window will show up with an installer. Double click and install it. Nothing will be visible i.e. no application icon will shown. You need nothing more. After restart, whenever you’ll plug the device, it will automatically connect and open the Router’s management page :
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No Wifi needed to connect while plugged in. I can directly go to the settings page :
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If I expand all the options, I can write in this way :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | +--Quick Setup | +--Dial-up settings | +- Mobile connection | +- Network settings | +- Profile management | +--Wi-Fi extender | +- Wi-Fi extender | +- Priority | +--WLAN | +- WLAN Basic settings | +- WLAN Advanced settings | +- WLAN MAC Filter | +- DHCP | +--Security | +- PIN management | +- Firewall switch | +- Virtual server | +- Special applications | +- DMZ settings | +- SIP ALG settings | +- UPnP settings | +- NAT settings | +--System +- Device information +- Modify password +- Restore default +- Reboot |
It is beyond the capability of this article to go to details of the settings. If you know nothing about networking, do not try to unlock or flash with any firmware. Invariably it can open up a security loophole.
Now about speed, here is the test result ran during writing this article. 18 MBPS download speed, 1.6 MBPS upload speed with 3/5 LTE signal strength. With full 5/5 LTE signal it goes over 20 MBPS.
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