There are lot of PHP powered Static Website builders now. Grav is A Modern, Light, File-Based, PHP Powered CMS Suitable For Small Blog, Profile Website, Documentation, Official Website of Business. Here is How to Install Grav on Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Cloud Server Instance. . This is also a self-reminder that Grav exists.
How to Install Grav on Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 : Before We Begin
Grav has a built-in command-line interface (CLI) installed at bin/grav. This CLI is extremely useful for running day to day tasks such as updating, clearing cache, creating backups, and more. It is a Flat-File CMS – which makes database headache free. PHP is bad but PHP is the practical option in most of cases. One major reason of using WordPress is PHP. But WordPress is too heavy now. Making new WordPress installation lighter sucks a huge time. Basically, WordPress – Joomla – Drupal – Magento are the practical options. After Jekyll, OctoPress came; it became quite popular. But Ruby is not exactly easy to publish a post. We can not easily use the PHP functions directly. With Grav, we can see the created files with any FTP software like FileZilla or using Command Line File Browser. In other words – everything can be done from SSH, however there is a decent web GUI for the Admin part.
We are using the word CMS quite loosely. WordPress in strict sense is not a CMS but basically WordPress is also not only a blogging software.
This is GitHub Repository of Grav : If you are running Nginx, then this is your normal webroot in deb based GNU/Linux : If you are NOT running Nginx, then follow our Nginx-WordPress-Ubuntu 16.04 guide to Install only Nginx and PHP part. Now, first cd to Add the following : This is an approximate default nginx configuration for Nginx, Ubuntu 16.04, PHP-FPM : To run the Grav CLI to create a new project, we need to go the webroot. We can change our username to Admin will be at : Here is Plugin and Grav CLI docs : They have another CLI tool : We need to add Install Grav on Nginx : Modern, Flat File, PHP Powered CMS/usr/share/nginx/html
and do these steps :grav
.alias php="php-cli"
in .bashrc
. Restart the services :