Static site generators (jekyll, hyde, poole, lanyon) usually adapts name from the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde story. We often talk about static site generators like OctoPress or Jekyll. Here is a List of PHP Powered Static Site Generators, which are Free Softwares and Will Help You to Generate HTML Websites and Host on Scalable Cloud Platforms Including CDN. There are certain rules of including them in this list. You do not need PHP for all of them to be running on frontend to run them.
Technically, converting a WordPress website to a flat website using some of these PHP Powered Static Site Generators will be easiest.
Rules of Inclusion to This List of PHP Powered Static Site Generators (Free Softwares)
We made this list from the submitted and accepted projects with some rules. No flat file Content Management System (CMS) or similar tools are listed, all are able to output a static HTML website that can be hosted on CDN like KeyCDN, Amazon S3 or Github Pages, they are released under Free Software License or at minimum an Open Source License, they have a public repository on Github, support different template engines. We considered PHP as most commonly used Language for Generation of website and features can be easily ported.
List of PHP Powered Static Site Generators
- Sculpin : Sculpin is a static site generator written PHP. License: MIT
- Couscous : Couscous turn Markdown documentation into beautiful websites. Concious is modern looking. License: MIT
- Spress : Spress is a static site generator and blog engine written in PHP. License: MIT
- Yellow : Yellow is for people who make websites. License: GPL
- Carew : The tiny website generator Language: License: MIT
- Handle : Handle is a static site generator powered by PHP and the command line. License: MIT
- PHPoole : Light and easy static website generator written in PHP. License: MIT
- Gustav : Gustav is a powerful static-site generator written in PHP. License: BSD
- Phrozen : Phrozen is a old static-site generator written in PHP. License: BSD
- PieCast : PieCast is old, known powerful static-site generator written in PHP but it is based on files. License: BSD
Conclusion on PHP Based Static Site Generators
Advantage of PHP is real time processing in easy convenient way. Not all knows Ruby, CoffeeScript or Can Handle JavaScript. You saw the websites. Except few, most of them probably not usable without modification.
Other than Ruby and Python, Javascript, C and C++ are interesting languages as base of a framework.