Most commonly we write guides about Cloud Hosting, that factually means the Cloud Servers, which are practically like Virtual Private Servers. Here are Some Technical Matters While Running Dedicated Hosting Versus Cloud Hosting or Virtual Private Server for WordPress Debate. We factually talked on this topic in years 2011, 2012.
Why the Question of Dedicated Hosting Versus Cloud Hosting/VPS for WordPress Arrived
Pricing of Virtual Private Servers, Dedicated Servers are going towards few dollars from the Original Service Providers like OVH. In short, we are writing this article for somewhat advanced users who will not get create situation to get locked in SSH due to wrong firewall settings. As DDoS can happen, using protective measures is very important for such services.
We can not see any difference of performance between a $7/month for 6GB Virtual Private Server and Rackspace’s server. In fact, cheaper VPSDime has lower Time to First Byte.
Dedicated Hosting Versus Cloud Hosting/VPS for WordPress : Technical Matters
Actually not all Dedicated Servers are dedicated – there is test to check whether it is a VPS or rather running under virtualization. How many providers actually deliver Dedicated Servers, we have doubt.
Dedicated Servers simply do not increase page loading speed for simple WordPress website. As the network, CPU and RAM are real plus dedicated, there is definite gain in terms of processing but Cloud Servers always use better processor, how much less software is diving actually not always matter. Quality of hardware obviously at minimum can run a cloud software.
Cloud Servers has the worst performance in terms of processing time, suddenly an instance may appear slightly sluggish. Virtual Private Servers depends on the other users but has better processing capability than the Cloud Servers. There is no synthetic test which can tell about this “sluggishness”. It possibly happens due to complex factors related to so many software lawyers, networking etc. You’ll see words like “dedicated cloud”.
Usually in the front-end nothing can be understood as all uses W3 Total Cache and other plugins. Basic flaw of Cloud Server is processing power is not well distributed with amount of RAM as plans. Advantage of Cloud Server is scaling, disaster recovery, flexible pay-as-you-go model of pricing. Dedicated Servers and Colocation Servers feels like butter but to get the butter feel, you have to know many matters.
Unless one is used with managing Cloud Server/VPS for WordPress for minimum 3-4 years, servers hardware may blow away. Hosting on Dedicated Server demands a minimum idea of what your are doing. For the Dedicated Servers, it is better to have another separate VPS or cloud server to take live changes so that on hardware failure, you can change the IP address. In such case web softwares are directly running on the dedicated server. We suggest to have a well planned blueprint of the backend for using Dedicated Servers. We think, it is better to install a virtualization software on a dedicated server, then use own VPS on dedicated as traffic facing part. With multiple IPs, it becomes difficult to hack. Cloud Servers are just easy to manage even by not so experienced user.
In case of Cloud Server/VPS, you need not to think about the processor, motherboard, RAM, Hard Disk, Networking Card etc. You do need to know too much about technical matters for Dedicated Servers or Colocation Servers. Normally Hostgator, Bluehost (all are possibly from the same original owner group) will attract with Processor and RAM. It is obvious, how much you will know about the servers, you know about consumer grade computers.
Our Basic Guess About the Popular Hosting Service Providers
One person gave a hypothesis on a closed forum – most of the Popular Hosting Service Providers has no own servers for the consumers. They have the servers for controlling via web interface, managing the whole infrastructure plus networking. They use the lesser known but hugely used original service providers like OVH to get the servers for the clients on lease. In other words, the Popular Hosting Service Providers has own datacenter – it is really right. Basically most are resellers. There are many supportive points from observation. Rackspace has own servers – they charge like bomb, Amazon has own servers – one employee leaked on HackerNews about the pathetic quality of the servers. Most of the Popular Hosting Service Providers talks about networking cards upgrade. HP Public Cloud had own servers, but basically they failed in business.
Beginner Level SSH Users : Better to use fully managed servers like from Rackspace.
Somewhat Advanced Level SSH Users : Use VPS/Cloud Servers from the Popular Hosting Service Providers. Their service costs less due to less intensive management.
Advanced SSH Users With Manpower : Use fully unmanaged servers from the Original Service Providers. Original Service Providers is a neologism by us. We are talking about OVH like companies – ovh is a domain name extension.
Use a good DNS service provider. Use a good CDN like KeyCDN or CacheCDN. Always use free DropBox in the way we wrote to push the whole server’s backup.
We understand that you are confused. We paid few thousand dollars per month near a decade and discovered WikiPedia’s one subdomain uses OVH. Now, see the infographics. People are saying that OVH has more servers than Google.
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