We Are Not Going Describing How to Install WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS But Saying How You Will Leverage Business With This Combo. Definitely you can install WordPress on IBM BlueMix for 100% free of cost with one IP address, 128MB RAM forever or use the paid tier of the PaaS.
WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS : Do Not Mix Enterprise Grade Business With PHP
As like we wrote before, IBM BlueMix is for business, it is difficult to compare OpenShift PaaS and IBM BlueMix directly in certain situations, installing WordPress on IBM BlueMix means we have to take the Cloud Foundry way. Last guide on Cloud Foundry based WordPress installation on this quite old website was on AppFog – 3 years ago. Question can be, why AppFog was trashed by us, unlike OpenShift or even fully close source Heroku Cloud?
Reason, without going to technical detail is easy – PHP is not known to be a great programming language.
Running WordPress on OpenShift is easier, there is more RAM, OpenShift probably had more thought around the commonly used web applications, may be the PHP-MySQL based CMS.
WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS : Still If You Want to Install WordPress
IBM has own guide to install WordPress on IBM BlueMix :
1 | https://developer.ibm.com/bluemix/2014/02/17/deploy-wordpress-application-ibm-bluemix/ |
there is no meaning of copy-pasting the codes.
Also code is available on GitHub :
1 | https://github.com/ibmjstart/bluemix-php-frameworks/tree/master/wordpress |
If you want to install WordPress on BlueMix Container – Docker way. IBM has huge documentation and Docker way is not exactly PaaS way, question may be why why you will not use Instances from IBM, in some way or the other? Direct SSH, installing PHP-Nginx-MySQL or PHP-Apache2-MySQL normally is sane idea for real production environment. IBM BlueMix is not exactly for these hard to make scalable web applications. Definitely WordPress will run, but it is odd to use.
What you’ll do with WordPress and the free 128MB RAM? Does WordPress really nicely run with 128MB RAM? Officially yes but unofficially – minimum total 4GB RAM either in single instance or distributed over 2-4 servers make WordPress scalable. Definitely, we are talking about the real life situation. Instance with 4GB will not hugely differ in quality from IBM BlueMix (not the CF PaaS), other flavor of IBM or HP Cloud. We do not see any reason to think about Rackspace anymore. $150/month for aPaaS (Cloud Sites) or overpriced IaaS looks kid in front of IBM’s any IaaS or HP Cloud. Rackspace was rightly priced once, we had not many options even 2 years back. Quality of Rackspace is definitely good, but why pay so much when hardware manufacturers are supplying at lesser cost?
We think, keeping IBM BlueMix preserved for more advanced custom modern dev works is better. IP address is a big advantage.
WordPress on Free IBM BlueMix Cloud PaaS : Use as Frontend
When you have Free OpenShift PaaS 1×3 GB gears to run WordPress, you can use the 128MB RAM freebie with an IP address as frontend of your website or application. How you’ll do needs a bit workaround, but it will not be hugely difficult – like using Nginx reverse proxy.
Tagged With bluemix , bluemix IP free , IBM Bluemix Platform