Here is an Online Resistor Calculator Cloud App Free Software to Calculate Resistance of the 4 Band Color Coded Registers. It Can Run on OpenStack Based CDN, OpenShift PaaS, Anywhere and on localhost. We found the Javascript on a website with no proper licensing.
This app is required to calculate the resistance of the registers used in electronics work without a multimeter. It is tough work to calculate using the reference table :
Color | Digit value | Multiplier | Multiplied Out | Tolerance |
Black | 0 | 100 | 1 | |
Brown | 1 | 101 | 10 | |
Red | 2 | 102 | 100 | |
Orange | 3 | 103 | 1,000 | |
Yellow | 4 | 104 | 10000 | |
Green | 5 | 105 | 100,000 | |
Blue | 6 | 106 | 1,000,000 | |
Violet | 7 | 107 | 10,000,000 | |
Gray | 8 | 108 | 100,000,000 | |
White | 9 | 109 | 1,000,000,000 | |
Gold | ±5% | |||
Silver | ±10% |
We only released it for educational purpose. You can download and use it with GNU GPL 3.0 License.
Online Resistor Calculator Cloud App Free Software
You can see the demo of Online Resistor Calculator running on HP Cloud CDN. Obviously we have a GitHub Repo of this web application. Usage is very easy :
Explaining the Online Resistor Calculator Cloud App
The main Javascript is this :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | <script language="JavaScript"> function calcResistance(input) { msv = document.colorSelect.band1.value; lsv = document.colorSelect.band2.value; mult = document.colorSelect.band3.value; tol = document.colorSelect.band4.value; var bgColors = new Array("black", "#583030", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple", "gray", "white", "gold", "silver"); var fgColors = new Array("white", "white", "white", "black", "black", "white", "white", "white", "black", "black", "black", "black"); resistText = msv + lsv; for (var i=0; i<mult; i++) { resistText += "0"; } resistText = addCommas(resistText); // Insert commas resistText += " \u2126 \u00B1"; // Add ohm, space, plus/minus sign if (tol == "10") resistText += "5%"; else if (tol == "11") resistText += "10%"; = bgColors[parseInt(msv)]; = fgColors[parseInt(msv)]; = bgColors[parseInt(lsv)]; = fgColors[parseInt(lsv)]; = bgColors[parseInt(mult)]; = fgColors[parseInt(mult)]; = bgColors[parseInt(tol)]; = fgColors[parseInt(tol)]; document.getElementById("resistorValue").innerHTML=resistText; } function addCommas(x) { return x.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } </script> |
This must be rendered with this HTML code :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | <table> <tr align="center"><td>Band 1</td><td>Band 2</td><td>Band 3</td><td></td><td>Band 4</td></tr> <tr align="center"><td>Value 1 (MSV)</td><td>Value 2</td><td>Weight</td><td></td><td>Tolerance</td></tr> <tr> <form name="colorSelect" method="" action=""> <td><select name="band1" value="1" onChange="calcResistance(this)" style="width: 150px; color: white; background: #583030;"> <option value="0" style="color: white; background: black;">Black (0)</option> <option value="1" style="color: white; background: #583030;" selected>Brown (1)</option> <option value="2" style="color: white; background: red;">Red (2)</option> <option value="3" style="color: black; background: orange;">Orange (3)</option> <option value="4" style="color: black; background: yellow;">Yellow (4)</option> <option value="5" style="color: white; background: green;">Green (5)</option> <option value="6" style="color: white; background: blue;">Blue (6)</option> <option value="7" style="color: white; background: purple;">Violet (7)</option> <option value="8" style="color: white; background: gray;">Gray (8)</option> <option value="9" style="color: black; background: white;">White (9)</option> </select></td> <td><select name="band2" value="0" onChange="calcResistance(this)" style="width: 150px; color: white; background: black;"> <option value="0" style="color: white; background: black;" selected>Black (0)</option> <option value="1" style="color: white; background: #583030;">Brown (1)</option> <option value="2" style="color: white; background: red;">Red (2)</option> <option value="3" style="color: black; background: orange;">Orange (3)</option> <option value="4" style="color: black; background: yellow;">Yellow (4)</option> <option value="5" style="color: white; background: green;">Green (5)</option> <option value="6" style="color: white; background: blue;">Blue (6)</option> <option value="7" style="color: white; background: purple;">Violet (7)</option> <option value="8" style="color: white; background: gray;">Gray (8)</option> <option value="9" style="color: black; background: white;">White (9)</option> </select></td> <td><select name="band3" value="2" onChange="calcResistance(this)" style="width: 150px; color: white; background: red;"> <option value="0" style="color: white; background: black;" selected>Black (1)</option> <option value="1" style="color: white; background: #583030;">Brown (10)</option> <option value="2" style="color: white; background: red;" selected>Red (100)</option> <option value="3" style="color: black; background: orange;">Orange (1k)</option> <option value="4" style="color: black; background: yellow;">Yellow (10k)</option> <option value="5" style="color: white; background: green;">Green (100k)</option> <option value="6" style="color: white; background: blue;">Blue (1M)</option> <option value="7" style="color: white; background: purple;">Violet (10M)</option> <option value="8" style="color: white; background: gray;">Gray (100M)</option> <option value="9" style="color: black; background: white;">White (1G)</option> </select></td> <td> </td> <td><select name="band4" value="0" onChange="calcResistance(this)" style="width: 150px; color: black; background: gold; size:5;"> <option value="10" style="color: black; background: gold;">Gold (± 5%)</option> <option value="11" style="color: black; background: silver;">Silver (± 10%)</option> </select></td></tr> <tr><font size="24"><center><td colspan="2" align="right"><h4>Resistance: </h4></td><td colspan="3" align="left"><h4><text id="resistorValue">1,000 Ω ±5%</text></h4></td></center></font></tr> </form> </table> |