Here is how to run custom operating system on HP Public Cloud, which can be a virtual appliance or Amazon Machine Image. Kind of automation. Just for introduction, how many ways we are getting for a kind of automating the installations on HP Cloud? First, using Cloud Init script, Second is our basic Shebang script to install WordPress on Nginx, Third is this uploading of virtual appliance way, Forth is OpenStack HEAT and last is a huge big chapter for the enterprise grade usage – using HP Cloud Automation services. OpenStack HEAT will not work directly on instances as previously explained. You’ll need to install HP Helion OpenStack or pure OpenStack on an instance for the HEAT one.
Run Custom Operating System on HP Public Cloud : Where I Will Get Images/Virtual Appliances?
Rackspace has to support custom operating system. It is very pathetic to use. HP has no problem. You just need either an AMI or an ISO. Instructions on the webpage is exactly not right.
An Amazon Machine Image or AMI is actually a special type of virtual appliance. You need to do bit search to grab the copies of virtual appliances. ISO are available on every distorts official webpages. You need to upload it to HP Cloud.
How To Run Custom Operating System on HP Public Cloud
You will go to Projects > Images > New Image. Then a pop up window will arrive :
Before clicking the “create image” button, be careful to tick the protect checkbox, else it will become (probably) public – it may not be a desired effect for your need. When the upload and image creation is complete, you can use it in the way we use OpenStack server images like we described in disaster recovery.
OpenStack’s image feature is great. Once you create one instance, virtually we do need to work twice for building the infrastructure.
Tagged With custom operating system