Yes, There Are jQuery Plugins to Change Github’s Default Gist Style With jQuery Plugins! They can do lot of works than simple changing look. We wrote how to load Github gist asynchronously in non-blocking way with another method, but one of these plugins can actually do the work.
How To Change Github’s Default Gist Style With jQuery Plugins
jQuery must be loaded on the webpage. For WordPress, jQuery is usually loaded. You need to follow the official website’s or repo’s guide to tweak them.
We will list the website, you should copy the URLs on a text editor first. Changing with CSS requires nothing but including a CSS in this way :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 | <style> /* SOLARIZED GIST SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING Based on the color palette by Ethan Schoonover: */ .gist {-webkit-font-smoothing:subpixel-antialiased;} .gist ::-moz-selection {color:#FCF4DC;background:#fff;} .gist ::-webkit-selection {color:#FCF4DC;background:#fff;} .gist ::selection {color:#FCF4DC;background:#fff;} .gist {color:#819090 !important;} .gist .gist-file {border:1px solid #042029 !important;font-family:'Anonymous Pro','Droid Sans Mono','DejaVu Sans Mono',Monaco,Consolas,'Lucida Console',Courier,monospace !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-meta {color:#475B62 !important;background-color:#042029 !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-meta a {color: #EAE3CB !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-meta a {color: #819090 !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-data {border-bottom:1px solid #042029 !important;background-color:#0A2933 !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-data pre {font-family:'Anonymous Pro','Droid Sans Mono','DejaVu Sans Mono',Monaco,Consolas,'Lucida Console',Courier,monospace !important;} .gist .gist-file .gist-data .gist-line-numbers {color:#475B62 !important;border-right:1px solid #042029 !important;background-color:#042029 !important;} .gist-syntax {background:#708284 !important;} .gist-syntax .c {color:#536870 !important;} /* Comment */ .gist-syntax .err {color:#708284 !important;} /* Error */ .gist-syntax .k {color:#2176C7 !important;} /* Keyword */ .gist-syntax .o {color:#708284 !important;} /* Operator */ .gist-syntax .cm {color:#536870 !important;} /* Comment.Multiline */ .gist-syntax .cp {color:#536870 !important;} /* Comment.Preproc */ .gist-syntax .c1 {color:#536870 !important;} /* Comment.Single */ .gist-syntax .cs {color:#536870 !important;} /* Comment.Special */ .gist-syntax .gd {color:#708284 !important;background:#042029 !important;} /* Generic.Deleted */ .gist-syntax .gd .x {color:#708284 !important;background:#042029 !important;} /* Generic.Deleted.Specific */ .gist-syntax .ge {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Emph */ .gist-syntax .gr {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Error */ .gist-syntax .gh {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Heading */ .gist-syntax .gi {color:#708284 !important;background:#042029 !important;} /* Generic.Inserted */ .gist-syntax .gi .x {color:#708284 !important;background:#042029 !important;} /* Generic.Inserted.Specific */ .gist-syntax .go {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Output */ .gist-syntax .gp {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Prompt */ .gist-syntax .gu {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Subheading */ .gist-syntax .gt {color:#708284 !important;} /* Generic.Traceback */ .gist-syntax .kc {color:#738A05 !important;} /* Keyword.Constant */ .gist-syntax .kd {color:#738A05 !important;} /* Keyword.Declaration */ .gist-syntax .kp {color:#708284 !important;} /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .gist-syntax .kr {color:#708284 !important;} /* Keyword.Reserved */ .gist-syntax .kt {color:#708284 !important;} /* Keyword.Type */ .gist-syntax .m {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.Number */ .gist-syntax .s {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String */ .gist-syntax .na {color:#536870 !important;} /* Name.Attribute */ .gist-syntax .nb {color:#A57706 !important;} /* Name.Builtin */ .gist-syntax .nc {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Class */ .gist-syntax .nd {color:#595AB7 !important;} /* */ .gist-syntax .no {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Constant */ .gist-syntax .ni {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Entity */ .gist-syntax .ne {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Exception */ .gist-syntax .nf {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Function */ .gist-syntax .nn {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Namespace */ .gist-syntax .nt {color:#2176C7 !important;} /* Name.Tag */ .gist-syntax .nv {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Variable */ .gist-syntax .ow {color:#708284 !important;} /* Operator.Word */ .gist-syntax .w {color:#708284 !important;} /* Text.Whitespace */ .gist-syntax .mf {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.Number.Float */ .gist-syntax .mh {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .gist-syntax .mi {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .gist-syntax .mo {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .gist-syntax .sb {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .gist-syntax .sc {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Char */ .gist-syntax .sd {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Doc */ .gist-syntax .s2 {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Double */ .gist-syntax .se {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Escape */ .gist-syntax .sh {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .gist-syntax .si {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .gist-syntax .sx {color:#A57706 !important;} /* Literal.String.Other */ .gist-syntax .sr {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Regex */ .gist-syntax .s1 {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Single */ .gist-syntax .ss {color:#259286 !important;} /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .gist-syntax .bp {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .gist-syntax .vc {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Variable.Class */ .gist-syntax .vg {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Variable.Global */ .gist-syntax .vi {color:#708284 !important;} /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .gist-syntax .il {color:#708284 !important;} /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ </style> |
See it in action :
Change Github’s Default Gist Style With jQuery Plugins : Projects
Now with jQuery Plugins. Intelligist is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to share multiple, executable GitHub gists :
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There are live demo. Here is screen shot:
There is LoadGist :
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Using this method demands a slight more knowledge, but it worths :
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There is GistEmbed :
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There is officially listed jQuery Plugin :
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