Ãœbersicht is a Free Software Framework to Print Commands on Desktop as Widgets in a Better Way Via CoffeeScript Than GeekTool. GeekTool is probably discontinued. GeekTool was far complicated than Ãœbersicht. It has been near 1 year plus since Ãœbersicht is in active use. Ãœbersicht has more creative possibilities like xWidget. We can not use xWidget on OS X plus xWidget is not a Free Software. We actually have lot of posts on XWidgets. They were created by deviantArt members.
Ãœbersicht Widgets Better To Code Than GeekTool
Practically, you’ll download the OS X App, run it; it’s icon will remain beside your sound, battery etc. icons. Clicking it will open an option menu including “Open Widgets Folder”. Click that. You’ll get inside the directory and will find a default file named getting-started.coffee
. That is a Widget. Open it on any text editor. If you have zero idea about CoffeeScript but you know unix commands, HTML and CSS, it will not matter much for coding own stuffs.
Ãœbersicht themselves have some widgets created by the other users which will help the “I do not code” users. Official URLs are these :
1 2 3 4 | # copy the urls to a text editor first http://tracesof.net/uebersicht/ http://tracesof.net/uebersicht-widgets/ https://github.com/felixhageloh/uebersicht |
innovative Ways to Create Better Custom Ãœbersicht Widgets
Actually there are lot of Safari Extensions. Previously we wrote how to extract and modify Safari Extensions. Safari Extensions work in a client-server model. You actually can adapt them too. Widgets for Ãœbersicht also can be written in Javascript. CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript. CoffeeScript, the function keyword of JavaScript is replaced by the -> symbol, indentation is used instead of curly braces. There is js2coffee
for JavaScript to CoffeeScript translation. What is written as:
1 2 3 | $(document).ready(function() { ... }) |
in JavaScript, is this in CoffeeScript :
1 2 | $(document).ready -> ... |
It is easy to create a widget; for example we modified two widgets and made one with our logo, view it in GitHub as Gist. This screenshot shows the stuffs :
View the screenshot in full size.
We have shown the Widget given in that Gist. Now suppose you have OpenStack Python Tools installed. If you want to parse whatever installed on your computer, it is possible.
Tagged With uebersicht-widgets for windows