We Can Not Say All of These Softwares are Free Software But Possibly This List of Open Source iPaaS Software For Cloud IaaS or PaaS Will Help Many Readers. We have talked about iPaaS before in the previously published articles – What is iPaaS?, iPaaS and API Economy. Practical thing is that, not always we need to have a PaaS or IaaS for certain services (see Cloud Computing Service Models), SaaS might serve the purpose, like in case of mail servers.
Open Source iPaaS Software : Understanding MBaaS
Integration platform as a Service (iPaaS) is intended to deliver a cloud service like that for application, data, process, and service-oriented architecture (SOA). We talked in details in the above linked articles.
Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) is a software and service model for providing mobile app developers an easy way to run their applications to the backend of cloud, where the APIs are exposed by the backend applications. There are some of the features of iPaaS and mBaaS which makes convergence of iPaaS to MBaaS. BYOD makes them closer. MBaaS need not to be thought to be abstracting the PaaS. From cloud computing service model, the arbitrary sketch of these all go like this :
Open Source iPaaS Software For Cloud IaaS or PaaS
At least three known software exists either with Open Source software license or Free Software compatible license. Apache Camel based iPaaS is not exactly a new idea. Apache Camel is a rule-based routing and mediation engine. Apache Camel glues messaging technology with routing, allowing the transference of messages from different sources to different destinations.
fabric8 is an open source set of micro services designed to run on the top of Kubernetes and OpenShift. It also has that Apache Camel part, but it is somewhat ready to use.
Third is bip.io which is a nodejs based web automation framework. Source Code is available and it is ready to use. You can perform most of the common works with bip.io.
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