t is a Ruby Gem. Here is a Guide For the Setup of Twitter Command Line Tool t on OS X. t is easy and great tool for the advanced CLI users. We have lot of guides on setting up the useful command line tools like Google Search, Facebook command line tool, command line music player with visualizer and so on…
What is Needed for the Setup of Twitter Command Line Tool t on OS X
OS X Homebrew iTerm2, may be powerline, may be FISH instead of ZSH…
And possibly Nano syntax highlighting. All are of decorative need, for sure.
Setup of Twitter Command Line Tool t on OS X
Depending upon your setup, you might need to run the command with sudo
in order to install from Terminal :
1 2 | #sudo gem install t sudo gem install t |
Then run this command after installation :
1 | t authorize |
It will give you guide to create an App on apps dot twitter dot com like in this way :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Welcome! Before you can use t, you'll first need to register an application with Twitter. Just follow the steps below: 1. Sign in to the Twitter Application Management site and click "Create New App". 2. Complete the required fields and submit the form. Note: Your application must have a unique name. 3. Go to the Permissions tab of your application, and change the Access setting to "Read, Write and Access direct messages". 4. Go to the API Keys tab to view the consumer key and secret, which you'll need to copy and paste below when prompted. |
Kid like copy-paste works will suck 10-15 minutes. Here is t’s official GitHub repo :
1 | https://github.com/sferik/t |
You can run commands like :
1 | t whois @abhishekctrl |
and use our normal unix commands :
1 | t whois @abhishekctrl > abhishekghosh.txt |
This is help :
1 | t help |
These are quite useful commands :
1 2 | t timeline -r t timeline -l -r |
On the screenshot we are using FISH Shell.