You Should Understand Why OpenStack Based Cloud Server i.e. a Web hosting or Public Cloud Service Provider is Superior Over a Closed Sourced Provider. DigitalOcean, for example will offer instances at very low cost. But, at the time publication of this article, actually there are many catches. In this small article – Why You Need an OpenStack Based Cloud Server – basically we want to point, when OpenStack is a hype for you and when OpenStack is a need.
Why You Need an OpenStack Based Cloud Server Should Be Dictated By Your Need
You must understand the basics. When we are using Public Cloud Services by HP Cloud or Rackspace – we are using OpenStack as client. This becoming client
is actually cost saving than running own OpenStack instance. There is OpenStack Swift object Storage, DNS, Networking – Swift will be connected to Akamai or other good CDN, DNS will also get connected to some DNS service, networking is always managed by a web host. Basically, if we use the CDN or DNS service directly from Akamai, the recurring cost gets hugely increased without any huge benefit. A shared account is better option.
DigitalOcean is not built on OpenStack. If they use OpenStack, their charge will get increased like the others. DNS, CDN are not exactly connected. Today, they are part of a standard web hosting package. If your need is a $5 server, DigitalOcean is great for you – it is definitely few hundred times better option than Hostgator. It does not matter whether Hostgator shared hosting is based on OpenStack or not – you are using cPanel’s features then not those of OpenStack.
The basic question is that, when need is of very less; why not use the free Heroku or OpenShift PaaS. May be naked domain pointing becoming the major issue.
Why You Need an OpenStack Based Cloud Server
You need OpenStack based cloud server for :
- Scalable cloud resources
- Possibility to upgrade to bare metal without too much fuss
- Widely available tools, documentations on OpenStack client tools
- Direct comparison of quality of service from two vendors – 4 GB instance from Rackspace versus 4 GB instance from HP Cloud
- Easy whole server backup
- Enterprise grade need
- Easy download of the whole server snapshot
- Added bundled paid services like DNS, CDN in one dashboard
- Higher transparent reliability
- Easiness to migrate to other OpenStack provider, even non-OpenStack provider without working on server setup from the scratch
- Where Docker like software is not enough to preserve or transfer the server setup settings
11 points are possibly less, but for the most busy websites; OpenStack in our opinion is honestly easy to use. These are basic reasons why PayPal like giants are moving towards OpenStack. OpenStack is a money saver, when you are comparing with a software suit of VMware. OpenStack is costly when you want a closed source cheaper service like DigitalOcean for smaller need. In the former, the vendor usually have a clear service catalogue.
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