OpenStack Monitoring is Specific For Specific Vendor Like HP Cloud, Rackspace etc. as We Are Using OpenStack as Client. One Component is Ready to be Used. The most advanced OpenStack Monitoring service can be seen at Rackspace. However, we can not use their service or the part of softwares on custom OpenStack installation or at HP Cloud.
OpenStack Monitoring Basics (HP Cloud)
Default monitoring for server resources is OpenStack Ceilometer. Actually, the terminology; OpenStack Monitoring is used in broader sense but normally as the end user we exactly mean by the phrase Telemetry of the server resources :
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OpenStack Ceilometer components are designed to be installed on the Controller Node and Computer Node. Do not follow that kind of guide :
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as these are for the service provider, we do not need to read it. That is why you’ll see that, there is a separate service named HP Cloud Monitoring. The server part of the tool, in case of both HP Cloud and Rackspace is on their different server – thats what we can activate from Horizon user interface. To use HP Cloud’s service, you have to work from hints :
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HP Cloud has very poorly developed GUI components which has some charges at the time of publication of this guide. From our experience with Rackspace – we do not recommend to install these components to reduce sucking of instance resources.
OpenStack Monitoring With Third Party Tools (HP Cloud)
You can check numerous tools which can be used on non-OpenStack installations as well :
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These looks like F/OSS :
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but they are really difficult to configure in real. It is better to choose Cacti :
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That is quite commonly used web software. We will separately publish guide on installation of Cacti on one node and monitor the other nodes. Same node installation will not give any advantage when the instance is going to die.