Is There Any SERP Advantage of SSL? Simple Answer is NO. Google Servers has Worst Grading on SSL Lab Tests. SSL/TLS is required for Forward Compatibility. NSA Agents Matt Cutts and their co will tell many stories about SERP increase, factually there is no real advantage of that priority, even if they tell 5% truth. The reason is simple – many devices and browser combinations simply can not open a HSTS website with tight security. There is no such cipher suite exists which works nicely with all the browsers. The basic need to upgrade to HTTPS and HSTS is forward compatibility – HTTP 2.0, unlikely to support plain HTTP. Additionally, Google’s monopoly business will throw the users a dangerous warning on Google Chrome Browser to the visitors for non-HTTPS websites. It is a difficult to understand Ponzi Scheme with Google Domains.
Is There Any SERP Advantage of SSL? Calculate the Net Loss and Gain
Google, indeed does not care whether you label them as lier or not. There are also Indian Bloggers, who deliberately promote Google Chrome, instead of the original Free Software Project. Chromium (web browser) is Open Source, not exactly Free Software. You can fork it or download the source code and edit the files before compiling to make it somewhat “Free Software”. Free Software is designed not to track the personal data stuffs, whereas OpenSource can Track. Unfortunately, Chrome plus Microsoft Internet Explorers {version 1 to n} are used by over 80% of the noob users. Safari also has such fork – WebKit. That has Free Software compatible License.
There are websites which primarily use old versions of Microsoft Windozzz (read OpenVMS port) with older versions of IE, including web developers’ nightmare Internet Explorer 6. There are Android 2.x users. If you implement higher security on server, factually you’ll loss a portion of traffic. On HSTS, you can not catch them and send to another server with lesser security, allowing them to read or do whatever they want with your website.
Even if Google increases your SERP, it will decline for such bounce rate. HSTS is secure but implementing properly, does not make the server unhackable or stop NSA’s Mass Surveillance via Google’s Javascript, Facebook’s Javascript and other Third Party Javascript. Otherwise, on HSTS website, you can not use Google Analytics. HSTS or HTTPS, is not for stopping NSA or increasing SERP. It is neither an Internet Protocol. HTTPS piggybacks HTTP entirely on top of TLS, the underlying HTTP protocol can be encrypted.
The main motivation for inventing HTTPS were to prevent wiretapping and man-in-the-middle attacks (MITMA). Unfortunately, it has flaw, hence HSTS was implemented.
Advantages of HSTS and HTTPS includes stop generating fake query parameters, headers and cookies; which often contain identity information about the user, provided that the user is logged in or using infected computer. This website is
, that can be relied with a TLS/SSL certificate. If you use Piwik Analytics, actually you can view the users’ IP, device parameters etc. What Google does, they joins the data of IP address with their other real human data from other services – like Google Plus. It is obvious, Google will not put a banner to declare the Data Joining part.
What you can not do or rather difficult to do are – you can not perform a DNS Poisoning to login to this server. We use HSTS because we have coding stuffs – our developed plugins, snippets; which are hosted on the servers. If you have a business website, you’ll need more robust identity – EV SSL. We honestly have no intention to use Google Specific Ads and Other Scripts. But who will sponsor us to pay few hundred dollars bill? This is the truth for most of the websites. Factually, we can carry a few hundred dollar bill without Ads, but we believe; most can not. Additionally, there are phrases like Return of Investment.
As the business identity is more related to EV SSL, with EV SSL; it is factually possible to rank better. It is not exactly Google Bot related thing. It has many other reasons, which includes high quality unique backlinks.
Is There Any SERP Disadvantage of SSL?
Yes, if your users mostly use some Browser-OS combination, which has no proper good cipher suite; then as we have explained; there will be huge bounce rate and ultimately you might suffer from visitor loss. Indeed, for e-commerce websites, a landing page (usually the Home page) with a bit lower security to allow all the browsers and devices only to convey the message – This website does not support Android 2.x, Internet Explorer {1,2,3,4,5,6} with Windows XP is a prudent way to catch the clients. But the setup is very difficult.
Google keeps their server very insecure – that is not exactly for “Helping the Users”. Your social networks counts will start from Zero, if you migrate to HTTPS. Plus there is pain of managing the CORS headers. You have to use some method to fetch the Share, Like etc. count via API for the HTTP url, fetch the Share, Like etc. count via API for the HTTPS url and programmatically add, like we have in the bottom of each page. There is no such universal library or Plugin which actually can do this “automatically”.
If you run AdSense, your earnings fall significantly, because Ad Requests will get blocked for CORS header. Feed Burner does not support HTTPS. Hence we have Feed Burner Guide for HSTS websites.
Our SSL Lab Tests is very nice :
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All A+. Our average Page Speed loading time on is near 3.8 seconds on first view :
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But it is WordPress. It actually takes a bit time to rebuild all the cache immediately after flashing the Cache. Our 93+ score on Google Page Speed Insights is common :
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We have our own proprietary technology which makes it so fast. It has a flaw, if the user use a very slowwww Internet Connection and try to load a page just after flashing the cache, there will be flash of unstyled content (FOUC).
Our IP addresses are never used by any website ever! You can read the content, it is indeed unique. If you imagine that, searching with “SERP Advantage of SSL” on Google Web Search will give #1 rank, it is less likely. On Google Image search, you can expect a better rank. Google Image search still has no Ads, plus none do back linking to the images, that is why it happens.
What we want to tell you :
- Google is a Spyware Agency or Sort of it, there is no doubt after PRISM revelations by Edward Snowden
- Google’s so called Mail named Gmail is very dangerous. You can check on Richard Stallman’s website.
- Telling Lie does not make Google ashamed.
- There is no reason to rely Google.
- Google is NOT Internet.
- Google acquires small to medium business quite frequently. DoubleClick to Blogger, none are of Google’s own.
- Hire a Good SEO. He/She might fail, but will not lie like Larry Page or Matt Cutts. Education, for the later; ruined them.
- Decision to switch to SSL depends on many factors.
- Think to change CMS from WordPress to Python or Ruby based software if you want to convert to HTTPS.
We have no Net Gain for the huge work, you should evaluate the practical situation before taking a decision.
Tagged With ssl and serp