Less Known but there is OpenStack Monitoring Tool For HP Cloud, rather HP Cloud Monitoring Tool for Checking the Nova Instances via GUI. The most advanced OpenStack Monitoring Tool is definitely created by Racksapce with the broader name Cloud Monitoring Tool (RAXMON) but is not compatible with the other vendors. But, ongoing efforts on HP Cloud Monitoring Tool actually exists. As we have pointed before, HP Cloud has anything a user will need, but they are difficult to find. In order to make HP Cloud Monitoring Tool somewhat like Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Tool basically need :
- A monitoring agent, preferably written in Python to broadcast the metrics (Exists)
- Function of HP Cloud to interpret the data send from the instances (Exists)
- Advanced Graphical Tool as Web App to Monitor the usage in Real Time with graphs, assisted by either artificial intelligence or fuzzy logic (Does Not Exist, too primitive)
We do not know the target of HP Public Cloud. If they want that, community develops (read users develop) the Free Softwares, they should give backup to the participating party (client) and continue to provide them some Free Tier of Usage per month. After initial free trial is over, none will waste own money to Develop Free softwares. If they want official development, HP should recruit more employees towards the development and pay higher. OpenStack is quite difficult than it appears, it is a moral sin to blame the few employees who are developing the tools. Speed will be like snail.
Rackspace has one step down quality of hardware versus HP but has immense number of employees. It is a joke, if one person work for developing a tool. The problem is NOT only of HP Cloud, but of OpenStack too. Rackspace, practically vendor locks their own tools. Heroku, OpenShift PaaS winning the match with the free layer of usage. OpenShift PaaS has more documentation, maintains social media networking quite interactively. Partnership is closed sourced option.
OpenStack Monitoring Tool (For HP Cloud) : Resources to Install Properly
Here is the official repository of HP Cloud Monitoring Tool, really it is OpenStack Monitoring Tool, can be used with any vendor :
1 | https://github.com/hpcloud-mon/mon-agent |
Direct OpenStack Monitoring Tool’s name is Monasca :
1 | https://github.com/stackforge/monasca-notification |
HP Cloud Started from this :
1 | https://github.com/hpcloud-mon/mon-ceilometer |
Like Rackspace, HP Cloud will modify the tools according to their need. It is preferable to use the OpenStack one or test both (who is reading to install). As we will develop for HP Cloud, we will consider the both. There are ready to use Third Party Tools like Nagios, Ganglia, Cacti and Zabbix which near completely satisfies our all the 03 points.
Imagine that, you are installing RAXMON on Rackspace. The steps are same. SSH as the user who has write permissions to /usr/local/bin
on your instance. To install the mon-agent
package, you need the python pip command. If you need access to that tool, enter these commands:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | # deb linux apt-get install python-pip apt-get install -y python-setuptools apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-imaging python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev # rpm linux yum install python-pip yum install -y python-setuptools yum install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-imaging python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev # common for both easy_install pip # test for errors, if ansible throws errors, you are in trouble sudo pip install ansible sudo pip install mon-agent |
You’ll get Syntax Error type of errors, that is why; so we wrote so much about HP Cloud and OpenStack.
cd to /usr/local/bin
and run ls
to check what are installed. I can give you warranty, if you do not read the next paragraph, it will take at least 48 hours to understand, what to do the next! Read this guide first – HP Cloud CDN Upload.
There is written, how to Download the OpenStack RC file. If the file name is foo.sh
, run cat foo.sh
to view the content. This is the URL of all the API stuffs :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | https://horizon.hpcloud.com/project/access_and_security/ mon-setup -u DASHBOARD_USERNAME -p DASHBOARD_PASSWORD --project_name OS_TENANT_NAME -s mini-mon --keystone_url OS_AUTH_URL --mon_url Hpext:Monitoring # WHERE # DASHBOARD_USERNAME = YOUR USERNAME TO HP CLOUD OR OPENSTACK INSTANCE, WRITTEN IN RC FILE # DASHBOARD_PASSWORD = YOUR PASSWORD TO HP CLOUD OR OPENSTACK INSTANCE, WRITTEN IN RC FILE # OS_TENANT_NAME = WRITTEN IN RC FILE # OS_AUTH_URL = WRITTEN IN RC FILE # Hpext:Monitoring = THIS IS A URL, WHICH IS NAMED Hpext:Monitoring IN Access & Security > API ACCESS > API Endpoints |
You will get this output after running that command :
1 | * Starting Monitoring Agent (using supervisord) mon-agent [ OK ] |
You can use the standard commands like (for Ubuntu) :
1 | service mon-agent {start|stop|restart|status} |
Run :
1 | mon help |
to test whether everything is fine or not.
Note that, this is the first time I ever installed the thing. It can happen that, I installed something before, which made it fully working! I know it sounds uncanny! But report me on Twitter or Google Plus, if you are facing errors.
There is OpenStack Style usage.
OpenStack Monitoring Tool (For HP Cloud) : Using Dashboard
If it is HP Cloud, go to :
1 | https://horizon.hpcloud.com/project/monitoring_endpoints/ |
Go to Manage Monitoring and go to End Points. Create a New Endpoint. You’ll see a Pop up telling you :
1 | Info: Endpoint "biggggggg-valueeeeee" was successfully created. Endpoint password is set to "ppaaassswooorrd?". Please record the password as it cannot be retrieved later. |
We installed the agent using our “master” password and endpoint. If you want to use Dashboard app, then you should create this. Else delete it. I have no idea about cost. You will edit this file :
1 | nano /etc/mon-agent/agent.conf |
No where written, stolen knowledge of using Tablet Instances Rackspace 5 BDPC x 4 years.
Theoretically, go to Subscription > Subscriptions, fill it; then go to Notifications, fill it; then Alarms. You will see Subscription ID, Namespace, Dimensions. Now Create Alarm. The fun is that, there no docs – 404.
This is I wrote to give you the official method. You’ll edit that file with the right values, else will not work. You need to set your Router-Subnet stuffs rightly and set Ingress-Egrees policy, else will not work.
Using OpenStack Monitoring Tool (For HP Cloud) : Using Command Line Tool
Obviously, unless you are a moron, you understood creating everything on the same server has no value – if the node fails, how it will report you. The Command Line Tools are primitive, free way to check the things. Again, nothing written anywhere, cd to /etc/mon-agent
and do ls. You’ll get :
1 | agent.conf conf.d supervisor.conf |
It has no value, just I have shown if you want to develop softwares. Now, we downloaded that OpenStack RC file, that needs to be uploaded on server. That guide HP Cloud CDN Upload is very important. By default, the password is not supplied there. So, you actually need to add that one. Simply, this will be a bash script :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | #!/bin/bash export OS_AUTH_URL=https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/ export MON_API_URL=https://region-a.geo-1.monaas.hpcloudsvc.com/v1.1 export OS_TENANT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx export OS_TENANT_NAME="1234567890-Project" export OS_USERNAME="User-Name-Put-Here" export OS_PASSWORD="Paas-word-Here" export OS_REGION_NAME="region-a.geo-1" if [ -z "$OS_REGION_NAME" ]; then unset OS_REGION_NAME; fi |
save it somewhere like in /opt
with .sh
extension. Now, you need to source it :
1 2 | chmod +x openrc.sh source openrc.sh |
Now, if you run :
1 | mon alarm-create cpu1alarm 'cpu1>10' |
You can create alarm. So, in this way, we can both monitor from localhost and get alarm via HP Cloud’s service. The Python package is written so badly, there are so many syntax errors, typical mistake to avoid SSL related error of Python apps that, modifying the Rackspace’s one will be better.
Tagged With explain supervisord in openstack monasca agent , HP Cloud monitoring