There are numerous ways to combine multiple JQuery files to one to decrease both the page loading time and the number of requests. Actually automated method might not always work. So for WordPress like CMS/Blogging Software, practically we can not use the same method in all setup. So, some minimal knowledge is required for WordPress.
Primer For How to Combine Multiple JQuery Files to One For WordPress
As we have talked about Enqueue Scripts. There is corrosponding deregister script function. So first you need to deregister the script if they are inserted by plugin or theme. Now it became just like a static website. After combining multiple JQuery files to One, you will insert via Enqueue Script Function.
How to Combine Multiple JQuery Files to One
Take that you have these files :
1 2 3 4 5 | JQuery.js jquery-ui.min.js jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js jquery_image_slideshow.js |
We can use YUI Compressor :
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There are ready to use online tools for YUI compressor :
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There is Google Closure Compiler :
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There is CompressJS :
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Advanced users can use Require.js :
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If you are seeking 100% hand coded method, it is actually possible to concatenate. Two jQuery results can be combined :
1 | |
These are some methods but you must test manually on all possible browsers. Combining can make a function not working.
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