Recent announcements of Mountain View on Google Ranking HTTPS and have raised questions. It was Google who was said to be inside the PRISM. In the previous article, we have described about Google Ranking and HTTPS in details. HTTPS will prove to be a decisive factor for ranking, at the same time, quality of security of the server. But, it is fact that it was also Google who was in the list of PRISM and NSA Spyware activities.
Google Rank and HTTPS : Cloud Security or Provider’s Benefit ?
The co-founder of DreamHost, Dallas, argues that the secure connection with a SSL/TLS certificate is important not only for e-commerce sites, but also for traditional portals, which expose sensitive data such as login information to the network public. On the other hand, he argues that only HTTPS protocol is not sufficient and that the use of EV certificates, is the most reliable, can guarantee the security of the server itself in which you are sending the data, providing security only for the way the data over the connection.
Even in more incisive words of Albert A. Ahdoot, business development manager of ColocationAmerica, which recommends the SSL certificate, but also recalls the importance of having well-configured firewall and hosting on a dedicated server. In fact, if the SSL certificate on the connection guarantees encryption and therefore difficult to interpret the data in transit, these two factors ensure the protection of the server and the security of your business and customers.
The most direct way is expressed Carsrud Eric, of Verio, which confirms the security of your connection, warns about the importance of protecting even the database on which the information in transit will then be stored, because, “protecting the connection without a security policy for the data stored is like having a car alarm that can not be blocked”.
Daniel Foster of welcomes the instead the choice of Google, which demonstrates the intention of the colossus to do something simple for a safer Internet and improve the livability, noting that the HTTPS protocol is recommended for all sites that collect sensitive data any nature and should be taken into serious consideration.
Google Rank and HTTPS : Google Marketed the PRISM Scam’s Involvement
What a simple webpage providing information will have? Darren Rowse never started from a Dedicated Server with EV SSL! Although we welcome Google’s effort for spam removal, it is practical fact that – the benefit will be of the SSL Certificate companies. Google is saying about security when allegedly they were involved in PRISM / Spyware activities!